A better way to budget is here šŸŽÆ

Getting an error message when trying to exclude another category from Trends:

After initially being very excited about this, Iā€™ve almost completely stopped using it now.

Too often Iā€™m finding myself having to move purchases into different categories or create new ones to exclude them and keep the graph on track. (While still having the category make sense for analytics purposes)

I need per category budgets. So if I buy a new phone in a given month, I will go over my total budget/budget for shopping (which is fine), but I can still make sure I stick to the budget for the other categories.

Trends is just too broad/all encompassing for me.


Yes this was the problem I encountered. I ended up having to create and exclude a custom category called ā€œbig purchasesā€ and lump anything of that nature into it.

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If you tap onto the top row saying e.g ā€œ8% of your Ā£XXX targetā€ it does have the total spend, but it not being on the top level is good feedback!


Sorry @BristolMatt this should be fixed now


I havenā€™t been following the thread closely so apologies if itā€™s been discussed. Is there a way to exclude a transaction or category from Trends Targets?

Everyone will have one-off planned purchases which bring you over the target ā€“ Iā€™d like to be able to see if Iā€™m on track without these types of purchases

Tap on the Trends tab. Tap on the Target tab at the top. Scroll down to ā€˜Excluded from targetā€™ and tap on ā€˜Editā€™. You can now edit your spending target, the accounts included in the calculations and also the categories - tap on ā€˜Categories ā†’ Editā€™ and choose which categories you want to exclude from the target calculations.


+1 for Category budgets


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be here :soon:.

Theyā€™re the only substantive thing left from Summary, non?

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Categories, yes. Transctions, no.

If they updated the ā€˜Exclude from Summaryā€™ toggle on transactions to include Trends (or added a separate one), it would solve a lot of the current issues with one-off payments and planned expenses ruining the graph.

Add in per category budgets, and youā€™ve caught up with the functionality Iā€™m used to from the Emma app.


Another day. Another pain with trends.

My trend changes on the 15th (or working day before) every month.

15th February it reset.

I have payments on the 13th February which show in last monthā€™s feed - :+1:t3: good
I have payments on 16th February which show in this monthā€™s feed - :+1:t3: good

The graphs for the end & start of each month include all payments in that week.

So the monthly view of the graph is (visually) hugely skewed.

This is last monthā€™s graph - showing the 13th transactions below. But itā€™s > Ā£15 that I actually spent. :sob:

I get the date extends beyond this month in the graph. But to me - especially with the graph swiping - Iā€™d expect the graph to only show the totals for that whole month and match up with the transactions below, not pull in random transactions from next month.


Refusing to scroll up whatsoever here. But I just switched to Trends and I really do love it.

The real win is the UI. Itā€™s pretty amazing how simple and quick it is to do relatively complex things.

I love the balance tab, being able to monitor cashflow and budgets separately and live is really great. I wish the budgets tab would also allow you to subtract your remaining target spend as an ā€˜outgoingā€™. I also wish the total upcoming was a bit smarter, like being able to exclude some payments (without removing them from targets) - granted that may be hard to achieve.

I really love the setting of targets and the way it looks at your average spend and comes up with targets. Iā€™d hope for more of that kind of stuff. Anything at all using data to make predictions is great.

I like it so much I subscribed to Plus to see my other accounts in it. I will still stick to my spreadsheets as the main way to track my spending, but this is a great live view / snapshot thatā€™s more powerful than I expected.


Fully fully agree here. The weeks at the start and end of the month should not be full weeks, but start and end based on your Trends period.

Also find this behaviour extremely odd and unhelpful.

Any plans or ways to get around the target tab of trends not working with roundups? I currently set the target to what money I have left over on payday after topping up my bills and savings pots but when I start to spend that cash the roundups throw out the targets balance as they are down as savings so are excluded and then the numbers donā€™t match, effectively making the tab useless

I think it would be nice if the ā€˜balanceā€™ graph would indicate starting balance. At the moment, the first point on the graph is from the end of the first day of the month, not the value at the start of the month (which is displayed below the graph). This graph looks like I spent more money than came in because I was paid on the first. In total for August, my end balance was higher than my starting balance but the graph doesnā€™t show this.


I changed my date ranges to the 20th when a new month starts, since my payday has changed. This has been reflected properly in the charts but in my bills pot itā€™s still showing as ā€˜Left to pay 26th Octā€™ I thought it would reset as well if I reset the dates on Trends

Also whenI am on balance and look at the upcoming payments, it shows all the payments upcoming from my other accounts but it misses out a lot of my DDs that actually come out of Monzo

What a ride. I just made it above the line :cold_sweat:


I wish you could pick the date to be every 4 weeks rather than a set date monthly, that makes all the budgeting tools kind of pointless for us.


Thatā€™s a nuisance you canā€™t do that

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