A better way to budget is here šŸŽÆ

Iā€™m feeling a bit confusedā€¦ :expressionless: what happens to previous / current targets if I change the accounts that are selected? or the categories included?

So I think Iā€™ve found a bug :rotating_light:

For me, if I scroll back one month it works as intended. If I scroll back more than that I get a non dismissable info-graphic - which getā€™s in the way of the data below. It persists for each preceding month

iOS 16

Iā€™m giving the Target a go this month (as itā€™s quiet January) to see if I can come in under target. I have a few connected spending accounts. What would be great is if the total saved at the end of the month, assuming I make it, could breakdown what account/s the save is from so that I can manually save those amounts from each account into a savings pot.

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Thatā€™s cool but a sort of automated savings sweeper would be ace.

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Yeh that would be the icing. Iā€™m thinking v1 manual, v2 auto :slightly_smiling_face:

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I donā€™t really utilise the trends tab all that much, balance/spending I prefer to use the export/dashboard but target is something Iā€™m really growing to like.

Having it in a clear UI and all together (rather than trying to load a bloaty spreadsheet on my phone) makes things so much easier.

Not all together happy with how the Flex changes happened and what that involves but Iā€™ve left them for now, aside from this month because I want that to come from my budget.

The update yesterday that means the budgets stick to that month :clap: :clap:

A couple of other things Iā€™d like to see please;

The amount per day on the main screen
How far ahead/behind I am vs my target line. I can easily tell Iā€™m over-spending, but not by how much



Iā€™m also surprised just how much time Iā€™m spending in Targets given my vendetta against the name the fact I donā€™t normally budget.

Still gonna fly the flag for it to run from the left to spend figure (or left to spend minus x percent for those sweet savings) though. That would be next level :muscle:


Iā€™m quite surprised at how quickly Iā€™ve got quite close to my (what I think is quite a high) target and then how itā€™s made me not want to go any further. Two birthdays and a puncture after christmas not ideal.

The issue I have is with self control, if I go over that target, it doesnā€™t really matter. I need to think of it as a hard target, after that there is no more money, rather than ā€œIā€™ll just take some out of my saving potā€


This is the problem I had when I started budgeting. At first I set targets, then I realised how much I actually spent and how much stuff costs!

Still, itā€™s a process. You become more aware of spending and more conscious of saving. Going over budget doesnā€™t mean your budgeting process is failing.


Very true, more than half of that spend is because of the birthdays/tyre.

Butā€¦ Thereā€™s Always Something :tm:


Yeah there is.

This is why I still prefer to budget manually. I average things like bike maintenance out over the year and account for them. If Iā€™m under budget one month, I donā€™t save the extra because I think thatā€™s a false economy, instead I roll it into next months spending. If Iā€™m over, I create an (on paper) deficit. Over a year it averages out, generally.

I finished reconciling 2022 over the weekend, I kept almost exactly to budget over the year, the first year Iā€™ve managed this in 5 years of budgeting. I bought myself a small present as a treat (it was a 3D printed dragon mini Iā€™ve been eyeing up for years).


My biggest downfall.

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From what I can see changing the accounts / categories included in this monthā€™s targets also changes them for previous monthā€™sā€¦ but the previous monthā€™s targets remain unchangedā€¦

So going from targets based on 2 accounts, to targets based on 6 accounts shows Ā£1k overspends in most of my previous monthā€™s targets.

At this time iā€™m not convinced that itā€™s really that valuable to me as I reconfigure targets to look at accounts in isolation and a number of different combinations ā€¦

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Thank you for your post - there was indeed a bug with the change released on Thursday :pensive:

I have now released a fix which means your selected accounts and excluded categories for previous months should also be respected (i.e. not update when you edit your target for the current month) :tada:


I think Iā€™m a convert to how this works.

What I really care about is my discretionary spend, my bills are my bills. Iā€™ve got to pay those but the Amazon orders and McDonalds for lunch, not so much.

Iā€™ve excluded fuel from mine, as thatā€™s pretty much a bill to me. Transfers etc I didnā€™t ever want to treat as spend, like round-ups, so I agree with excluding those.

The Flex change Iā€™m not 100% sold on, but for now Iā€™ll just recategorise and roll with it. The recent change being able to adjust it month-to-month is great.

Iā€™ve configured my dashboard to reproduce the same figure so Iā€™m looking at like for like too, so now I can really focus on what I spend on my ā€˜wantsā€™


Thank you for your feedback :pray:

The info-graphic should now dismiss once you have tapped on it :tada:


So my credit card bill went through today and because I have my credit card included in Trends the repayment is showing as a gain, which means my spending for this month is currently completely messed up.

The repayment is still a pending transaction so Iā€™m assuming once it goes through itā€™ll categorise properly and thatā€™ll fix everything.

But itā€™s not a great experience - I apparently now have 92% of my target left to spend in two weeks, soā€¦ lucky me!

Perhaps pending transactions should be (optionally?) excluded?

I think Targets is displaying a bug for me. If I swipe back a month the Target graph disappears and is replaced by a card showing over/under target value. I canā€™t then swipe back further or forwards to current month. Iā€™m stuck on that month, with no way of moving unless I click Balance tab, swipe back to existing month and then press Target tab the current month and graph shows.

Hi Paul - that certainly sounds like a bug :pensive:

Could you give me a few more details to help me narrow down what might be happening?

How many months are you swiping back? Does this happen as soon as you swipe back once from the current month?

Are you able to share an image of the card you see (with any personal information/amounts obfuscated)?

Which accounts do you have included in your target? Your Monzo account, pots, external accounts, or any combination of the three?

Sorry for the issue - weā€™ll try and get to the bottom of it as soon as possible!

@JackIngleton I had one account selected in last months trends, and six selected in this months trends. when I swipe backwards I get a trend graph drawn for the six accounts before it is redrawn for the one account in last months budget. and similarly when I swipe forward from last month to this month I see a graph drawn with one account, before being overwritten with a graph including the six accounts in this months trendsā€¦ It appears visually distractingā€¦

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