Heard about Monzo from a friend, do not recall hearing about them before this. Joined because of the spending breakdown as I want to see (with ease) what I spend my day to day money on and hopefully, cut out some of the nonessential. Looking forward to the extra ‘plus’ benefits coming online, then I will go +. Will go full monzo after this.
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I’ve had a Monzo account for a few years but never applied for a card until a recent foreign holiday. I had planned to use revolut but decided that as Monzo were a proper bank with a current account that I’d try them instead. Having successfully made a number of transactions abroad, I decided to manually change a few standing orders and direct debits from HSBC to Monzo to see how well the app could help manage my money. After a few weeks of use, I decided it was time to ditch the bank I’d been with for 30+ years for Monzo. A great decision so far.
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