We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

Maybe they do not want to be like most other apps?


True, but they are sacrificing simplicity and usability.
The app could be more intuitive in my opinion.

I think it makes perfect sense to add a ‘Discover More’ tab to the end of your accounts/pots. New users will see this immediately since they will only have one account and no pots. Veterans may not even realize its there.


If they keep with the card shape, it will make sense since the most things you’ll get out of that menu will be additional cards in your carousel

One thing I noticed with the new navigation is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to see your total cash balance across pots and the main account. With 3-4 pots, it would be nice to have a total somewhere. Otherwise, I think it’s great, and overall a much cleaner and more efficient interface :clap:t2:

You can get this from your statement page.

What app version and OS?

On :android: v2.57.0 this is the view, giving a sum of account and associated pots:

I asked about this recently as it hasn’t been introduced on iOS, and apparently won’t be. It will be replaced by something different:


Thanks for the clarification, which is a little disappointing (I love the Android ‘swipe-down’ too) but it appears an alternate gesture is in the works.

I’m a bit late to the early access but it Monzo are thinking of tweaking summary please dont get rid of committed spending. So useful to see what our monthly Bills total up to without having to create a spreadsheet.


I think the opposite is due to happen.


This may have been mentioned before but the lack of scheduled income in monzo is even more ugly in the redesign as it puts it front and centre.

I really hope Monzo supports dual salaries / multiple incomes on different dates soon :pensive:


Not just dual salaries - multiple incomes during the Summary period.



Just enabled this on my account.

  • I’d like to be able to swipe left and right across the entire screen to switch accounts/pots. Only being able to swipe at the top portion of the screen means I have to reach further than I’d like to.
  • The big white panel (transaction list/pot details) can be in three positions and it feels like it’s my job to keep managing which position it’s in and I keep feeling the need to adjust it.
  • Having the overview of all accounts and pots in the top left is frustrating: it’s not obvious and it’s the furthest away from my thumb.
  • The placement of Summary in the top right feels arbitrary. I love summary but why is it there?
  • There is now no way to see the effect of your spending on your balance. No graph and no running balance.
  • How can you see the total balance for an account including all of its pots? This doesn’t seem available.

I get the theory behind the new design, but in practice it seems like a big step back. It feels more fiddly and important information is harder to access. I’m going to disable it for now and hope that more work can be done before it becomes mandatory.


It’s amazing how many of us have comments that include things being out of single handed reach. That emphasises my point about Monzo testing on multiple device sizes and possibly with users with physical issues (although the last one is harder to achieve).


Changes I would like to see in the beta software:

  1. It would be really helpful to see your overall balance of your current account and savings account on the home page - like you have with the current UI. Maybe moving the account number and sort code to a different position and having overall balance at top.

  2. The little icon showing you’re a Monzo Plus customer has been removed from your picture on the home view, would be nice if this was brought back.

  3. Night/dark mode!


A combined account+pot balance has never been available at the top level but it is due to come back somewhere other than the statements page (where you can currently get at it) I believe.

Dark mode has been ruled out of scope here multiple times already. I don’t see that changing.

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Fully agree. Big fan of labels