The Great Permacrises

Meanwhile bulb are trying to use me to get out of administration!

Double checked my meter readings and they’re correct, but they don’t add up to that!

This is their basis for wanting to put my monthly bill up to over £4000. In the process of disputing it, but what a bug.


Seems like your whole area has been tapped into your house, that must be some multi-tap plug :smiley:



This is why @Ordog should stop cancelling direct debits…

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Ofgem have just put out a publication basically saying in January they’ll start doing their actual job of regulating the energy providers rather than handing out licences like toilet paper.

Here’s the “Action plan” so far

Another thing is to change the price cap. I’m guessing they’ll move to a quarterly review over six months.

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All too little too late.


I wish ofcom would do similar to mobile networks as their offering is really poor and congestion is absolutely ridiculous at times.

Chester city centre you might as well take a carrier pigeon with you for a better response.


Does 5G help with the congestion at all?

There isn’t any city centre coverage.

Three sometimes shows but intermittent due to where the mast is based.

EE states they blanket the city but it is non existent.

Vodafone doesn’t come until summer next year.

O2 social media crew don’t know anything other than to copy and paste useless unhelpful links that don’t advise of any “updates” so no idea when they’re coming.

Edit: once it does arrive it will most likely fix the congestion but apparently the council are awkward about putting new masts up because it’s a Roman city bla bla.

Chuck a 5G mast on the cathedral and boom, sorted :joy:

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Just put a toga on the mast



Well I’ve always wondered why they can’t make use of it, it’s one of the higher buildings in the city and makes a lot of sense to have equipment blended in to significantly increase the network availability.

Depends on if they allow the installation or not.
It’s a fair bit of kit, requiring a lot of wires, direct fibre connection etc.
It is possible though, there’s a church near me with a mast in the steeple.

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I’ve seen this happen in other cities, but the ill educated 5G gave us covid crew prevent any improvement here.

There’s a site near Chester uni where BT work from, they’re going to build on existing equipment there to improve coverage and add 5G though I’ve not checked in a while how that’s going on

All this talk of Chester, god I miss the place. I went there for uni and it remains one of my favourite places to visit.

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I absolutely love it here.

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That’s not the reason.

A Christmas crisis, they best get themselves to *Waitrose pronto

*other supermarkets are available :upside_down_face:

Back to the original great crisis. It’s a shame that many of the small providers went bust and we’re left with the likes of Scottish Power

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And British (Scottish) Gas who think it’s fine to send out an email with a one click Switch button which pushes the customer onto their cheapest fixed contract that’s hundreds of pounds more than the default cap.

Pass it on if you know someone with BG who might be tricked by this. 14 days if they made the mistake.

I got one of those. When you do the “compare” online, it doesn’t even show the non-fixed pricing.