The Colour of the Debit Card

ironically pink used to be a boys colour:


That is or it should be common knowledge.

Unfortunately I can’t counter what she said by saying to her well in the beginning pink was a boys colour.

A bit like a man wearing high heels, and when people ask him why is he wearing them, stating the fact that high heels where originally worn exclusively by men. True but nowadays it’s not the case.

Things change, some things for the better most things for the worse. (I’m talking generally I am not saying that the above two changes are for the worse.)

I think you’re taking the colour of the card far too seriously :neutral_face:


People have started wars for less important things. :wink:


I know this has been debated before, but has there ever been a definite answer over the future of the coral card?

The hot coral does not appear to be part of any of the Monzo branding (unless the right-hand side of the M is supposed to be the same colour). The debit card does not even include the Monzo logo (OK there is a tiny version on the back).

I personally think there should be an option of colours that are either the solid colours that make up the Monzo logo, so you can choose the one you want, or some other fancy looking design.

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No. No firm decision has been made as far as I have read on this community or the Monzo website.

Is it written somewhere that in order to be properly branded, a bank card must match the colours of the bank website?

To my mind, the Hot Coral card is part of the Monzo branding. A significant part. Have a look at any tech press report about Monzo and they’ll probably have a Hot Coral card in a photo somewhere.

The colour of the card makes Monzo instantly recognisable in a sea of blue, dark blue, purple, black and silver cards issues by other banks. Cars are similarly boring.

Hot Coral, whether intentionally planned or not, is a talking point. People say, “Wow, that’s a bright card”, or “What card is that?”, and increasingly, “Ah, you use Monzo as well”

A couple of people who attach far too much misplaced significance to colour may say that the card is not manly enough or that it questions their sexuality. What the hell does that mean, anyway? It’s about time they joined the rest of us in the 21st Century.

Will Monzo introduce a conventional blue or dark-coloured card? I don’t know. Personally speaking, I hope not. I want Monzo to be unconventional. I want them to be different. I want to be different. I don’t wish to conform with a blue, black or silver card.

TBH, I really don’t know why people are getting so hung up on the colour? And the colour is a big part of their branding. It works.


Faded colour of card…IMG_2277

tepid coral :slightly_frowning_face:

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My eyes hurt :scream:

So, where can I order one? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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lol that’s what I said

No idea, I just made it based on this thread

I’m not sure if I’d be surprised or not if Monzo kermit commit to that :open_mouth: :frog:


The one and only thing I hate about Monzo is the bright ORANGE card colour.

It screams prepaid card, prepaid cards have a really bad rep and are seen as bank accounts for people with poor credit, which isn’t why I signed up to Monzo, I initially signed up due to no fees when abroad.

I now want to use Monzo as my MAIN bank account but I’m reluctant to do so as the card is hideous, it seems petty and silly but the color just draws attention to it.

Black would have been a better choice or dark blue, something more neutral.

I understand offering custom card colours or design may be too difficult so either change the card colour altogether or at least have 1 alternative and let people choose between black or orange.

I no you probably chose orange due to branding but it was such a bad choice if you ask me, I don’t want people asking questions about my card and assuming I have bad credit as it’s a prepaid card.

I’m sure you’ve used the search feature on this forum, but this has been discussed numerous times.

I think the phrase ‘Can of worms’ springs to mind!


You may be in a minority here.

I love it :orange_heart:


So you did not like the colour but got one anyway. Your main reason was free use abroad, and it was prepay.

Now there will no longer be prepay as it is being replaced by the current account.

If you want free use abroad but want a card colour that could be from any bank then other banks will offer you that.

Monzo are scrapping free ATM use abroad and introducing a 3% fee, but will be keeping the card.

The card is also not Orange but a Coral colour called ‘Hot Coral’ and accepted by opticians everywere :slight_smile:


This topic has be done to death.

If you are concerned about people opinions about a small plastic card, I would question your friendship with people with such prejudiced opinions. If they are not your friends, then why worry? It clearly isn’t a ‘poor credit’ card so talk to them about their prejudice. I had a pink debit card with Smile Bank for over 10 years. Did I care what people thought? No.


I have to say guys, not a very welcoming or friendly response.

First and foremost this is my OPINION, which I’m entitled to just as much as yours.

Also, this is an IDEAS board, whether or not this has been mentioned before, some people aren’t familiar with these forums and its features, not only that just because something has been discussed before doesn’t mean it can’t be discussed again.

As for the poll and vote and saying I’m in a minority, fair enough, I wouldn’t count on that being set in stone though, only a small portion of Monzo users would have voted on that poll and will take part in this community.

It was an idea a simple suggestion, if, like you guys are saying, this issue is coming up time and time again, it would appear that it’s clearly something a decent portion of the userbase wants.

Obviously, if I am in the minority then changing the colour just for a select few would be a bad idea. There are other card providers (vanquis, barclays etc) that used to let you choose a custom card design or colour.

I’m not asking for anything fancy just another colour than the bright orange.

There’s really no need to get over-sensitive and so shaken up by a simple suggestion and my opinion guys.


No one is really getting shaken up by your request. They are more shaken by your complete inabilty to do the most cursory of searches and contribute to the already massive debate about it.


As others have said it’s been spoken out before. I don’t mind the colour all that much but I wouldn’t say no to black or dark blue either.

Regardless, I can’t see this changing in the short term that’s for sure.

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