This exactly, I feel criminalised to be honest. It was hard at the start but I made peace with it.
Just to reiterate, just because I can’t bank with Monzo, it doesn’t mean that I’m a criminal!
I’m happy with just using Curve + a legacy bank.
This exactly, I feel criminalised to be honest. It was hard at the start but I made peace with it.
Just to reiterate, just because I can’t bank with Monzo, it doesn’t mean that I’m a criminal!
I’m happy with just using Curve + a legacy bank.
What hassles are you having?
I’ve had my account since February with no issues at all, don’t believe the ‘noise’, the majority of customers of Monzo have had no cause for complaint (and complainers always make more noise than those who are happy, regardless of the product).
Enjoy your trip!
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Closing this so it can calm down a bit, it’s getting very heated
Will reopen shortly
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I think some heads have to roll on this one sorry chaps, whoever is in your compliance department is failing and you need new leadership. Its understandable when your growing so fast but its just not acceptable to freeze or close peoples accounts and leave people to fend for themselves in foodbanks.
I know other banks have similar procedures but they seem to not be so harsh on the filters. For example with Natwest i’ve bought and sold a few houses with 100’s of thousands passing through my account with no issue. When I asked Monzo about this over the chat I was told that this would indeeed be a problem and might cause my account to be frozen. That’s simply not good enough and a reason I keep my natwest account and have all large transactions go through that first.
Just look on Facebook, there is a group of 400 people in the Monzo closed my account group. There is clearly a problem here. There are also reports on Reddit of accounts being frozen for stupidly small amounts.
In that case, why would your Monzo account be closed? Don’t do anything suspicious and you have nothing to worry about. It’s pretty simple. I’ve used my Monzo account for 3 years, never had an issue other than my card being skimmed on Holiday but that was sorted straight away by Monzo. I have payments in and out of my account for large sums of money all the time given the nature of my business, none of them are from dodgy sources and all above board so my account has never had any issues. It’s very simple.
Good to hear Monzo’s side of things. I have loved Monzo since it opened and was saving for an upcoming holiday but the Watchdog program last night made me so nervous of potentially discovering whilst on holiday that my account might be blocked that I decided to make alternative arrangements. Whilst the explanation from Monzo is fine it seems that so many people have been affected by random closures that it makes me wonder how safe my money is in Monzo from criminal activity and just don’t want to take a chance of my account freezing when I need it overseas!
The people that get offended, upset, feel violated and everything inbetween are the ones who have something to hide.
They’re the kind of people who slate police officers for “harassing them” for routine roadside checks.
If Monzo want to question the source of my money, I’ll comply by simply giving evidence so they can conclude their checks and unlock my account asap. Why anyone would want to kick off and delay things further is beyond me
I’m sure Monzo don’t want to be wasting their time with it either but sadly its something they have to do and it keeps everyones money safe.