Official secondary market via Cubex

Anyone had any success buying or selling Monzo shares on Cubex?

I haven’t had any success with any yet.

As soon as their beta went live I tried selling all of my shares in Crowdcube. After I submitted that (and a few others) I haven’t heard anything back at all.

Edit: just to clarify (as I’ve had a few DM’s asking to sell Monzo shares) - I do not mean selling Monzo shares, I mean selling Crowdcube shares. I intend to keep my Monzo shares for a long while yet :rocket:

Likewise, I tried to register as a buyer of Monzo shares and haven’t heard anything back

I have literally had no success in buying :rofl:

Does anyone have a link to the cubix site I can’t even find it ???

Seems like a complete mess up
Its here it just doesn’t seem to make any logical sense

Cubex is basically a very fancy ‘register your interest’ page.

You say what shares you might want to sell, and then Crowdcube in theory use that as leverage to negotiate a secondary sale with the company in question, if enough people are interested. Whether Crowdcube really will have that conversation with the company, and whether the company agree (and why they would agree to extra admin work for no benefit), and then how that sale will take place or look like are all ‘next step’ questions.

I don’t know if they have actually initiated any sales yet.

Here is a very current example of how they are using cubex…

There is an impending funding round with Grind & Co where large investors are buying £10m of new issue shares and offering to buy £11.5m of existing shares via cubex at a discount of around 20% (86p) to the price they are buying the new shares (£1.08).

In order to be considered for a trade you need to fill in the cubex form to state an interest.

The message from crowdcube also states that existing holders can buy more via cubex at the price of £1.08 if they state their interest on the form and there is enough seller supply.

So, instead of taking someone’s interest to sell 59 Monzo shares and finding a buyer with a matching request, they are only brokering when there is a huge liquidity event, and would it be fair to speculate that they are pocketing the difference between the 86p price the seller gets and the £1.08 the buyer pays, or am I being presumptive?

Ps. I’m not Lauren, think someone messed up with the coding there