Monzo randomly asks me to update my ID

One day from Saturday to Sunday, one day from Sunday to Monday, one day from Monday to tomorrow.

I’ll give you 3 days at most. But of those, only 1 is a working day.

So chill out a bit.

But perfectly happy to send the request out on one of the days you claim don’t exist.

At this point you’re only picking holes to try and get something out of it.

Move to Starling and be done with it.


Automated systems run on days humans don’t have to work.

Or would you rather they didn’t update your bank balance until monday?


Monzo works all 7 :weary:


At this point I only appear to be chatting to people making excuses for this shoddy contact policy. If you don’t ’ like to read it, leave the thread.

As for the excuse stating it is an automated policy, then said policy has plenty of time before hand to give the required information, namely what it will be used for, how it will be stored, and the timescale I have with which to provide it. And of course not send it out with none of that information on a Saturday, in which people here are claiming monzo effectively is closed.

Not every specialist team though?

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If you don’t like Monzo’s contact policy, leave the bank.


Oh, no, not certain teams as far as I know.

I’m not even sure what’s happened tbh, mostly noted above just looks like KYC.

Beyond my knowledge.

I think at this point, the only response you should be paying attention to is @Moddingfriendly’s reply (just above your last reply to one of my posts).

That response is from an actual Monzo employee, and explains better than any of the rest of us could why there is a delay in responding to your queries.

Any further response from me on the various issues would be restating something I’ve already said, so I’ll simply be knocking that on the head now instead. The one last thing I will say is that @Moddingfriendly quoted something I’d overlooked when replying earlier, so I’d like to take the opportunity now to congratulate you on your weight loss journey and wish you every continued success with it.


At the very least the team sending the message.

I used to work in a bank back in the day, and when we sent out emails to customers it was standard practice to send them out on a banking day so the contact team could answer any questions, and we would of course fully explain why we need it, what the regulation and law requires of us to verify it, and give the customer plenty of time to do so with clear timescales, and the regulatory consequences if we can’t get it by a certain date.

In no reality would we send out a vague two line message in an automated fashion on a day the team dealing with it are at home asking for something as heavily regulated as identity documents.

I’m surprised the person (if it was actually a real person and not a bot) didn’t fill the message with emogys. And it was sent as a notification, of all things. They should instead be putting a written request on letter headed paper in a PDF for me to download and read with something as heavily regulated as collection of personal data and storing of identity documents.

And as I said at the beginning, no one has even verified for me yet that it was a genuine request and not some kind of man in the middle attack. “Hi, I’m from your bank, click here to upload your ID thanks” Hi, is that the bank? What’s this about my ID? You’ll get back to me? okay… 3 days on…

They’ve asked you for new documents, because yours have expired.

Jesus wept, it’s not hugely impossible to understand what/why they’ve asked for it.

All communication is done via the app messaging platform, Monzo don’t to “proper letters” - go to an old fashioned bank if that’s what you want.

If the request is in the app, then it’s legit, if it’s via email, then it’s questionable. If the link goes to the app etc, then it’s legit. There’s no way anyone would want to MITM attack you for some ID documents.

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The documents expired 3 years ago. Now what, will you accept my passport instead? NO RESPONSE



Sends passport anyway

Begins to move critical banking functions over to alt personal and business accounts to avoid interruption of company and personal banking.

For someone complaining it seemed like it wasn’t legit, you sure seem to have willingly given your passport picture away without verifiying.

I’m so confused in this thread.

Did you even read this post?

Driving License?

Perhaps the specialist team only work Mon-Fri?

I don’t see what the huge issue is - Has your account been blocked while you are awaiting a reply?


I didn’t give my passport to the person who asked for it, I have never seen or heard from that chat person since. I uploaded it to a genuine employee as far as I know, still no response, what ’ been done with it, what the data retention policy is and what will be done with it after it’s served it’s current purpose.

I’d imagine, the data retention is 6 years after your account has closed - as per most guidelines. Which I’m sure you’re aware of as having worked in a bank?


How long we keep your information :file_folder:

We keep most of your data as long as you’re using Monzo, and for 6 years after that to comply with the law and if we face a legal challenge. In some circumstances, like cases of anti-money laundering or fraud, we may keep data longer if we need to (that’s in our legitimate interest) and/or the law says we have to.

To work out how long we keep different categories of data, we consider why we hold it, how sensitive it is, how long the law says we need to keep it for, and what the risks are.


I’ve had no meaningful response whatsoever since they made the request for ID that no longer exists, why they want it again, if they will accept other ID, and the consequences of my account if it’s not done by the timescales they haven’t given me. Do they plan to just sit there and wait 10 weeks for an updated DVLA document or will the passport serve as ID? Do they specifically want a driving licence as it would also have my address on it?

No information whatsoever, and so with that looming over my accounts and my daily business, I have no choice but to move everything elsewhere to ensure business continuity until Monzo actually start communication like professionals, not a telegram chat.