Monzo Labs: Improved Card Security

Surely is the person is doing all this they’re much more likely to just use Google/Apple pay? I think as soon as someone gets their phone out to do something then they’ll probably just use it to pay too

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A lot of self serve tills at supermarkets will alert a customer assistant to authorise a retry. Really annoying but I imagine it’s to prevent people unwittingly walk away thinking they’ve paid. :man_shrugging: Should really just allow another retry though, making it obvious that it didn’t work.

Most of these tills are working on a version of Windows XP or less so I haven’t high hopes.

I agree, and almost never use my own physical Monzo card. But for some reason, many people don’t use Apple Pay or Android Pay.


Yep. And negates the need for nonsense like metal cards. Instead I’d prefer resources to be focused on improving the flow between app and card for things such as SCA

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I want a metal card. It’ll look good on the digital front anyway.

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What about Apple Pay and Google Pay via watch?

Will they get occasionally declined due to these new rules?

I opted in to the beta yesterday via Labs and had my first decline today in Waitrose.

I attempted to pay via contactless, the terminal beeped and requested I insert my card. I Entered the PIN and all was fine and straight forward. My phone was in my pocket the entire time.

After the event, I looked at my feed as I had 3 notifications from the transaction (declined transaction, chip and pin warning, and processed transaction).

Clicking on the feed item ‘We Declined A Contactless Payment’, it prompted me to enter my PIN to continue using contactless.

I found this confusing as I’m not sure if it’s a necessary step having entered my PIN at the POS. However I completed it anyway just in case it declined next time round.

If this isn’t a necessary step, is there a way to adjust the feed item along the lines of ‘Hey, we declined your contactless transaction but because you completed it with your PIN, all’s fine and you don’t need to do anything else’?

That aside, it all seemed as expected :blush:


Same experience here too


Personally I think this good. I’ve known friends with other bank cards and they’re lost their cards on a night out and found lots of contactless payments.

Plus given that everyone will have to do something like this, it will become more normal and common place.

What will be the maximum possible limit to set? I don’t like idea if that would be something like “let’s check couple times per day if I am still me”. But if it would be somethig like “in rare scenario that I will lose my card l, how much I can afford to lose max?” - and you can put ex 500£, or 5k£ depending how rich are you. Then it sounds really good, it will not interfere with every day life, but if somebody will start draining my bank account and I will be offline for hour and will not notice, then it will limit maximum damage (I would have to enter airplane and lost card on airport - can’t image scenario that somebody is using my card and makes loots of contactless transactions and I am not looking at my phone - to see what happens, and block card after first froud transaction)

I turned this on 3 days ago and have hit it three times since I think? The declines have always been ‘elegant’ and I’ve just completed with Chip and Pin on the device. I know £30 is just the limit for testing, but it does seem very low. I think I’ve had three challenges in 4 days or something. I hope you are able to set this to something like £125+ for transactions (logic there is 5* 5payments just under the contactless limit. Or at least 10 contactless transactions regardless of value. (I don’t know if the samples in the original post are what the legislation requires though.)

Regarding the two posts above, the limit in the law is £100 (or five transactions or some combination). So no chance of £125 or higher. There might be some ways that Monzo can workaround the rough edges and bend rules a little, but they have to abide by those limits

And that’s why I didn’t turn it on. I guess it’s low so that they can get a lot of data about how it is working in real life. The higher they set it, the less data they’ll get.


Not sure if this has been discussed, but is monzo going to implement this

Whitelisting (or trusted beneficiary)
Customers will have the option to ‘whitelist’ a merchant they trust. They can request to have the trusted merchant be added to his/ her record with the issuers after the first authentication is completed. Subsequent transactions with the whitelisted merchants are likely to be exempt from future authentication.

Which section of the directive is that quote from? I can’t find it.

Has anyone clarified that this means in future if you don’t take your card with you (because you have contactless on your phone) and you’ve reached your limit you won’t be able to purchase anything…?

Isn’t that to do with 3D Secure online rather than Chip and PIN in person? Remember seeing it before, but a search on here coming up blank


Yes. In post #1

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I’m not sure. I searched

but found nothing.

Nicked from Barclaycard so unsure

Near the end of the article under exemptions