Monzo Labs: Connected Credit Cards

On the help tab type in the search bar ’ connect a credit card’ and it’ll be within the top few results

Awesome!! I have got it now :grin:

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Meanwhile, awaiting the Amex API release…


Any news when Mbna will be added

Is there a link, table or wiki of who is using open banking and those that aren’t?

This is from

At the moment, only the UK’s nine largest banks and building societies must make your data available through Open Banking. Other smaller banks and building societies can choose to take part in Open Banking.
The banks and building societies who currently offer Open Banking are:

  • Allied Irish Bank
  • Arbuthnot Latham & Co Limited
  • Bank of Ireland UK
  • Bank of Scotland
  • Barclays
  • BFC Bank
  • C Hoare & Co
  • Clydesdale Bank
  • Contis
  • Coutts & Company
  • Coventry Building Society
  • Creation Financial Services
  • Cynergy Bank
  • Danske
  • Ghana International Bank
  • Halifax
  • Hargreaves Lansdown Savings
  • HSBC
  • ICBC (London)
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
  • Investec
  • Lloyds Bank
  • M&S
  • MBNA
  • Metro Bank
  • Mizuho Bank
  • Nationwide
  • NatWest
  • NewDay
  • Permanent TSB
  • Prepay Technologies
  • Project Imagine
  • Revolut
  • Sainsbury’s Bank
  • Santander
  • SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank
  • Starling Bank
  • Tesco Bank
  • The Co-operative Bank
  • The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland International
  • Tide Platform
  • TSB Bank
  • Turkiye Is Bankasi As
  • Ulster Bank
  • Ulster Bank Ireland DAC
  • Union Bank of India
  • Vanquis Bank
  • Virgin Money
  • Wirepayer
  • Yorkshire Building Society

You mean these APIs

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Still waiting on TrueLayer building the integration with AMEX… seems to have been on their list of things to do for years!

So I have managed to crash monzo when I try and remove a credit card :thinking::thinking:

It happens when I click remove as it wasn’t syncing :slightly_smiling_face:

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When are we going to get HSBC, the UK’s biggest bank???

None of the services I use currently support HSBC credit cards, my guess is that HSBC hasn’t added its credit cards to its open banking API yet.

Also, since Monzo use Truelayer for connecting cards, Truelayer will have to support HSBC credit cards before Monzo can add them, and they currently don’t. You can see the full list of what Truelayer supports here:

If you message in, we should be able to pass this over to an engineer to remove this manually from our end :grin::fire:

Awesome thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do we think connecting credit cards with balance will be a basic feature but then credit cards with feed will be a plus paid for feature?

Would fit into the better budgeting tier and also the “power” user description :grimacing:

Would also make sense as to why theyve parked it for a while

Sorry, I haven’t read the whole thread, but a little while ago BarclayCard CC was accepted but these days it’s not an option.
Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance!

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Monzo have dropped support for Barclaycard due to connection instability issues with fetching the data from Barclaycard. Monzo aren’t very transparent when it comes to dropping features, unfortunately.


Thanks for the clarification random netizen:)

Having a go at Monzo for transparency, is it? Okay, “N26throwaway”.


Yes, they really tried to hide this Barclaycard issue, by having a staff member who works on this feature come to this thread, explain the problem, and the fact that they’ve had to disable the Barclaycard connection (@M3th0s, this is the full explanation):

I’m curious what “transparent” means to you @N26throwaway?


The vast majority of their users do not use this forum. If the user has to seek out the information, they’re not being transparent enough, given that they make a big song and dance with in-app notifications, push notifications, emails, social media posts etc. when they add stuff. I received nothing to tell me they were going to be disabling my Barclaycard from appearing in Monzo, it just vanished from my account. Customer service didn’t have a clue, and had to escalate it to a different department twice until someone knew the answer.

“Transparent” to me, is treating feature removals with the same openness as they treat changes to terms of service, their fees, and new feature additions. not just a comment hidden away in a thread within a community that not many users are using. The fact someone had to come here to ask, demonstrates the lack of transparency here.

They’re radio silent on this front when they remove stuff, such as Apple pay from, which their own customer service team had no knowledge of for for a while and blamed it on other banks. The only comment on the removal I have seen from Monzo was a reply to a comment in a reddit thread discussing the removal which I stumbled across by chance. This is a discussion for another topic however, and not relevant to this thread.

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I don’t think there was a big song and dance when connecting credit cards was added to Monzo as it’s a work in progress. I agree that most people don’t use this forum, but most probably don’t know about adding credit cards to the Monzo app. We’re talking about something which isn’t yet fully featured and is experimental, which is exactly what the forum is for.

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