Monzo Labs: Connected Credit Cards

You need to ask TrueLayer

:man_facepalming: I had forgotten about that for some unowned reason – lateral thinking not working last night. Thanks, that’s sorted now.

@mycl, a bit of feedback on the Nationwide OpenBanking integration: the old screen scrape integration showed total and available credit with a nice slider displaying graphically. The new Open Banking integration doesn’t, it just says Nationwide Card underneath the balance.

I’ve noticed the lack of credit limit information too! It looks like we’re not getting that data from TrueLayer over the Open Banking connection. I’ll ask them about it but there’s a possibility that it’s because Nationwide themselves aren’t returning this data either.


@mycl It’s not working on my Halifax card connected by OB. I sent you an PM as I’ve got a number of cards connected and can’t delete any of them

Any word on why some of us can’t disconnect Barclaycard?

It seems like my card was in a weird state as I connected it in the very early days of this option being available.

You might need to contact support to get this solved! @mycl maybe you can help?

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Happened to me too!

barclaycard seems to be working well for me

I spoke with TrueLayer today and they have said that M&S Banks Credit Card should be supported around the same time as HSBC adds support.

Also the John Lewis Partnership Credit Card is not on the radar and they’ve put a feature request in for it.

Hiiiiiiiiiii :wave:t3:

Sorry if this is a simple question :see_no_evil: but I’ve attached my Barclaycard to my Monzo account, so I can see my total balance of the card, but should I be able to see my transactions in a feed below the image of the card?

Many thanks in advance! :grin:


Not the transaction feed no.

It’s something that has been mentioned may come at some point.

Great - thanks very much @adinus :+1:t3::grin:

App version: 2.63.0 #557

My app now crashes whenever I tap on my Natwest Credit Card and it hasn’t updated in a while. Is this because of the open banking changes?

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Hey Adam, it looks like a couple of people have encountered this so I’m looking for a more general solution. If you can bear it a little longer then we’ll get these hanging cards sorted for everyone!

If it’s a real problem for you then please drop a message through the in-app chat and we’ll get that sorted manually :slightly_smiling_face:

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That doesn’t sound good! Natwest are one of the banks that TrueLayer have disabled because they’ve turned off credential sharing for everyone, so your card should have been removed. Would you mind sending me your Monzo email by DM and I’ll take a look?

As @adinus said transaction data is not something that’s available yet but definitely very high on our list!


That’s great to hear - this would be a great step in getting Monzo to "the centre of people’s financial lives"

Thanks @mycl :+1:t3::grin:

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Sure you know it but just another +1 for this as it would be amazing!

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Hey gang,

A little bit of bad news I’m afraid. The error rate for Barclaycard connections over Open Banking is too high for us to handle right now so we’ve disabled them as a provider. If you’ve successfully connected a Barclaycard credit card through Open Banking it’ll continue to update but you won’t be able to reconnect if the connection breaks or add any new ones.

We’re really sorry about this. We’re chatting closely with TrueLayer (and they’re talking to Barclaycard) to try and get this resolved. Thanks for being so understanding!


I’d like to remove my Barclaycard(s) and also a HSBC credit card which is no longer connecting from my accounts - but the delete button does nothing! Please :pray: fix the :bug:

(Android 10, new nav, Monzo beta 2.64.0)