🇸🇬 Monzo in Singapore [Wiki]

Just posted this over at 🇸🇬 Monzo in Singapore [Discussion] - #18 by Nazgul

I just got charged s$5 on my Monzo debit card after declining the automatic currency translation for DBS (as in, I opted to pay in local currency). The wording on the screen did not say I would be charged the “access fee” so please withdraw from DBS on your Monzo debit carefully. I am going to see if I can take a picture of the screen where it asks about the translation (it says it will charge s$5 for the translation only) and put it here to see if it mentions a general s$5 fee (but I read it pretty carefully and wouldn’t gave accepted the fee had I known it was coming).

Recommend we update the ATM fees part of the guide to reflect that some ATMs are charging an access fee. I will find out if more charge this fee and also find out if I just misunderstood the message or if it was actually unclear by going through on another DBS machine. I’ll also withdraw on a different machine as UOB at Bukkit Timah where I tried was faulty.