Monzo and the Coronavirus

Must be true if it’s come via WhatsApp, let the fools and the panic buyers continue, meanwhile us normal folk will just carry on normally

You’ve essentially just described a common scam that convinces people to move their money to another account for “security reasons”. It doesn’t matter what method of communication is used, it’s how convincing the message is.

The same principle applies here and sadly people do fall victim to it. There was someone on here not too long ago for example that transferred a lot of money to a scammer because they feared that they would lose their money :cry:


Not having topics like this doesn’t stop people from rightly or wrongly worrying.
However asking the question and therefore allowing people to see the answers that will alleviate worries will help the situation.

What doesn’t help the situation is making people feel like questions shouldn’t be asked for fear of a backlash.


Also these aren’t answers, they are people’s opinions. Massive difference.

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Well now the Chinese whispers can include your reply of…

Hardly sets the record straight, or as you put it, help the situation now does it?

In my experience explaining why the world isn’t ending is more beneficial than calling something stupid.

You can answer questions with an opinion. In fact the OP welcomed thoughts and opinions on the topic.


See this reply.

Pretty sure I would have failed my uni education if my thesis was opinion based and not evidence based.

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Okay. I don’t see what that has to do with anything on a discussion forum where people ask for opinions on a regular basis.

You do you, but I usually find contributing to a topic to be a better approach that simply calling it stupid. And if I do find it stupid it’s usually better manners to ignore it that say so.

Anyway we clearly see things differently.


I’ve had this WhatsApp too… load of BS.

I can’t even think of a justifiable reason why this would cause Monzo to go down. A tiny well controlled loan book, most employees working from home and from what I know they don’t invest held funds? Hmmmmm :thinking::thinking: I don’t think so :joy::joy:

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Nor should open communication be discouraged (an act that, understandably, helps the situation even less).


Really cause the amount of disinformation and rumors that have went around the last few weeks haven’t had a negative impact at all…

By all means have an open discussion but don’t cry when someone says a topic is stupid that is based on conjecture.

So much SDE being shown towards the OP here


Not sure what Stochastic differential equation has to do with any of this

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that’s the whole point, I’m leaving this question open to discussion and debate - after all that’s how you educate yourself no?

This doesn’t offend me I just respectfully don’t expect a response so negative without giving any discussion or debate. you just stating that I shouldn’t make comments because people are panicking and I am not educated enough to give a valid opinion is not fair. I am sure that many people are not very educated about what the effects and result of this pandemic will be if I am honest, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to open up a discussion in the hope that people who may know could offer more an insight!

Again if you don’t want to participate in the discussion and offer ideas or debate then I would prefer if you didn’t comment, but then again that’s up to you.

(p.s. just because I am a student and have gained critical thinking and evaluation skills doesn’t mean I know the answers to things such as this. The fact I posted it was to hope for someone who does know about this more and can inform me on their opinion)


This may be difficult for many firms and many people may not have 3-6 month emergency funds and many individuals rely on their monthly income to pay food, rent and bills etc (many people have very low savings)

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This has spread amongst my university campus aslo, but its not just advice to withdraw money out of Monzo - rumour has spread that people should take out cash from any bank and withhold more cash then usual in the event that banks fail. But again like you said people are protected by the fscs for £85K…

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I would think crime rates would increase during times of turmoil due to the strain on the police-force etc. but I don’t know

Completely get you’re point. Its valid but just because it doesn’t help the situation does that mean we shouldn’t talk about it? I don’t.

Just a little reminder here to please keep things civil. We don’t need to snipe at other posters, and if people have a question they should feel this is a safe place to ask it. Let’s keep to our values at this difficult time :blush:


Can this topic be closed then? It’s largely just people arguing for the sake of arguing - no value here.


I think we can give people the opportunity to continue the discussion in a constructive manner first :blush: