Moneybox app integration

If I understand Moneybox correctly, Monzo would not need to do anything to integrate to them, rather its the other way around?

I think Moneybox works by viewing your spending and then rolling it up - in this case they could integrate to the Monzo APIs to view the transaction history etc. I imagine moneybox are using one of the ‘API’ layers that allow integration to banks by logging in/scraping your transactions (ala Cleo etc) which doesnt support Monzo.

Either way I think the way it works is:

  1. Moneybox looks at transactions from your bank/card whichever account
  2. You set up deposits equivalent to an amount into your moneybox ISA via their app

Either way, this model doesnt require integration from your bank.

EDIT - should say this is just based upon me looking at their website and superficially looking at the app - i havent gone the whole way through and used it because i already have a stocks and shares ISA this year and dont want to sign up for another one