If you haven't moved over, what's stopping you from making Monzo your main bank?


I was NatWest and went Full Monzo, but there were things lacking so I then went to Starling to see if their offerings were better - no budgeting but I created a spreadsheet to do that which I use until all of my committed payments have gone… but it’s a hassle when Monzo could have originally easily have done it just but taking money to pots out of my budget (basically considering a pot as spending)

The custom images thing comes from my app development past (not a developer myself, I hasten to add) - having half monogram and half logo really bugs me…

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I have just nipped back over to my rather dormant Starling account

They have still not updated any of my merchant suggestions. My Monzo is in reasonable shape there

Also there is still no option to enrich my incoming salary on direct credit as I’ve done since moving it to Monzo

Think I’ll stay where I am personally

Could you expand on what’s missing in this regard?

I don’t think this is a shock to anyone who’s ever read one of your posts… :joy_cat: :mondo:

@anon99402360 - so basically let’s say I have Dave Smith as a person I send money to, I want to be able to have. Picture of Dave against hose payments/his payee instead of having coloured circles with “DS” in them. It’s purely an aesthetics thing.

@SouthseaOne I noticed they are rubbish with merchant updates, and their customer care is atrocious, in one chat I thought I was in a fight with an internet troll… I have to admin a Monzo is superior but there are just the odd things that would bug me if it was my every day bank.


Joint accounts should offer the same (or close to) features as personal accounts.


I would like to see custom photos for contacts/payees. That is something that Starling handles really very well, though apparently from above I am a Monzo apologist blinded by total loyalty so I am probably not allowed to say that

Seems like this should not be too difficult to implement given that the upload functionality was added to pots, but it does seem to be taking its time for reasons very much unknown


It’s probably not so much that upload functionality has been added but more likely that pots and payees are stored/handled differently.

I suspect there are more payees than pots and (simplistically), the database that stores payees would need amending to point to a location for the image.

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I’ve used Monzo since the beta periods. But! Was never overly convinced it would be a great idea to do. I’ve now changed my MINDD!! Monzo is currently in the switch process for me. Changing over from Barclays to Monzo, seems like an absolute no-brainer.


Another reason I haven’t gone full monzo yet is that I can’t pay in cash without being charged a fee. I’ve just received a sum of cash that I will have to pay into my other bank a 50 minute plus round trip for me but the sum is over the paypoint limit and I don’t fancy being charged to deposit it either.


You don’t have a post office closer?

I’ve done the opposite, Barclays is now my main account. Monzo is a backup account.

Not having a Direct Debit pot to keep bills money separate from spending money!
Will switch from old bank should this ever happen!


Do you get this option at your legacy bank? I’ve never seen this offered anywhere.

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Nope I use 2 accounts pay goes into one transfer DD money into second account setup and called Direct Debits, both accounts with same bank!
Monzo uses pots so how hard would it be to make it work in a single account!


Very hard. They trialled it internally but I think there were issues with it picking up all the recurring items. They’re still working on it though so :crossed_fingers:

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Was just answering the question, why have I not switch to Monzo as my main bank?
And that was my answer!

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@Marc-M couldn’t you have all your direct debits come out within a few days of each other and then transfer the money across ?

Sorta what I do in my main accounts, would just be nice to be able to switch everything over to Monzo and have a pot for DD/SO, that way I only need one account so could close all my others! But would, as I do now and keep DD funds well away from spending money lol

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Make sure you cast your vote over here:

Will help Monzo’ understand demand for new features etc