Family accounts / Accounts for children / under-16s

I have a 15 year old who’d love to… OK, I’ll wait 5 months then.


I find it odd that I can open a children’s account in Nationwide but can’t with Monzo.

I would like a pot I can lock, get some interest, and then convert it to a current account for her when she is of age.

Why odd? That seems an odd word to use. :crazy_face:

I guess I don’t see anything strange about a young business not offering everything that older businesses do. Growth takes time.

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I would imagine there are tax implications of holding children’s savings in an adult account and also ID requirements. Not something to rush

Out of curiosity what would a child at the age of 7 use a card for anyway?

This may sound short sighted but I genuinely don’t know.

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With contactless I’d give my 7 year old a card if he’s buying something in the toy shop with christmas money etc


I like the idea of my daughter learning the value of money at an early age.

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I understand.

I would have thought that it might be a great way to grow from a child’s account to a Monzo current account holder.

I see, it’s more about learning and teaching rather than something they are going to use on a daily or weekly basis :slight_smile:

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My daughter (4) has pocket money that she uses on a weekly basis. She also has a piggy bank where she keeps it all. However, drawing out money from an account to put it into a piggy bank seems a little dated!


My 8-year old daughter has a GoHenry card. She saves money in the account and uses it when she makes a conscious decision that she wants to buy something. So she took it with her when she went to see Taylor Swift a few weeks ago - she’d saved her pocket money to buy merchandise and she was able to use the card for that. She also took me out for Father’s Day earlier in the year and paid for the pizza! :pizza::smile:


That is legitimately adorable.

I can’t wait for us to be able to offer these type of accounts.


Nothing gets past you :eyes: :joy:




Most banks offer a child account with a card at age 11. Younger than that is a savings account.

It would be great if Monzo offered this as my daughter turns 11 shortly and wants a bank account with a debit card.

I’ve taught my daughter about money from an early age. We started off, when she was very young, saving odd pennies in a piggy bank for her. When she had filled it, we used a Coinstar machine and she had her first ever bit of spending money. She spent it on a couple of toys and some sweets.

Now, at 3, she gets regular pocket money and has her own pot within my account. She’s encouraged to make decisions about saving and spending - most recently she spent three months (three very impressive months) saving for a lollipop she’d seen at a theme park. You could see the incredible sense of achievement when she was finally able to buy it. She worked so hard to save up, never complained once every time she had to walk past it in the shop and go home empty-handed, and eventually there came the day when she got to buy it. Sometimes, she buys something and then a few days later she sees something else she wants and has to be reminded her she spent all of her money a few days earlier. It’s making her aware that she has to save for things, and that money isn’t limitless. I think these lessons need to be taught as early as possible.

At the moment she just buys her treats from her pocket money. If she wants a toy or some sweets and it’s not a specific special occasion, she has to buy it herself if she has the money available. As she gets slightly older, probably when she starts school, I plan to give her a significantly larger amount of money but at that point expect her to make some more practical choices with her money, for example also picking out her own clothes and using her money on those, to give her an idea about how money isn’t always for fun things and we do have to think about necessary items as well (though, she’ll no doubt find clothes shopping fun!)

Currently I pay on her behalf. She scans her own items at the self checkout and knows the whole process, but I pay using my phone and transfer the funds from her pot to cover the payment at the end.

It would be nice for her to have her own account and card, to make it easier for her to know exactly when she does/doesn’t have the money available and to make her feel even more involved when she’s making purchases, without the hassle of keeping cash/coins.


I wonder how Monzo- could use a pot as an account for children without having to fork out on sending people a plastic card?

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Ability to temporarily assign cards to pots?

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Brilliant Idea! On the app you could just have an option to “use this pot for this transaction”. Tag it with the pot name “Bobby’s pocket money”, and then you could generate reports on it!

Sounds like a cheaper alternative to children’s cards!


Here is hoping- I would love to ditch my high street children’s saving account for my daughter. Perhaps you could have the option to turn children’s pots into current accounts further down the line?

Perhaps you could assign a virtual/digital card to a pot?

Looks like 16+ accounts are now live :tada: