Collected thoughts on card design

Add Amex in all it’s incarnations and it would definitely be a looooooong list :joy:


I feel like @Peter_G needs a challenge though. Otherwise it’s like asking Einstein to count to 10 all the time.


Why not do a sort of tournament? Have polls for like 5 designs and the winners from each round go head to head.


I was thinking earlier, that perhaps it may be a good idea for the community to start a wiki to construct a database of card designs.

Seems to be a fascinating aspect among some of us folks, and few decent centralised resources anywhere that has them all. So many questions on other forums RE banks often encounter the question: What does the card look like?

Also gives us something to draw from so that @Peter_G can create the poll to end all polls, or host the hunger games for cards.


Oh goodness. So much potential polling. Give me the weekend to think about this one!


This is Peter’s porn.


What do we want?

  • A poll

0 voters

When do we want it?

  • Now

0 voters


I don’t want to think of @Peter_G that way.

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I feel like I should not of brought this up :joy:. Sorry in advance @Peter_G

And that, frankly, is your loss.


Looking on Twitter it seems new RBS/NatWest cards won’t yet be issued unless your card is near expiry. Will anyone on here lose their card mysteriously just so we can see what the new cards look like? :laughing:

Particularly the C&C one

Child & Co. won’t change, I expect.

NatWest is quite nice, but a bit too aligned to the current campaign look and feel, which might not stand up to the test of time.

Royal Bank just looks too much like a Google Images search. What has a shed got to do with Scotland?


I don’t think it will change – if I’m not mistaken current private clients have a different SC but the older accounts still use the same SC that us plebs do so they couldn’t change the card design based on that.

I’m just hoping for a nice clean front with the info on the back and perhaps the logo getting more of a focus? perhaps I’m expecting too much

The shed is awful – makes me think of the rather poor Barclays stock image offer for their personalised cards


Shrek lived in one


His toilet was essentially a shed. He lived in a tree trunk I think :joy:

Should know as it’s one of my go to films.


You are not mistaken.

I’m thinking/hoping that they will design it along those lines, and it will probably end up similar to how it is now except with the numbers on the back and the Visa logo replaced with MasterCard.

Eventually, I’m expecting my Drummonds card to be replaced with the beach hut design and my Child & Co to get whatever the new design is, so I’ll be able to compare. I think the numbers seemingly being on the back of the beach hut card is a clue, though, that RBS will be putting numbers on the back so that will hopefully apply to Child & Co too.

I’m also slightly curious how Ulster Bank will end up, as they don’t seem to have teased the design of that yet.

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Despite Royal Bank’s card having nothing to do with their brand, I actually really like it. I think Natwest’s looks a mess to be honest.


Just noticed there’s a reorder card button in the RBS app. Might just press it and see what happens



I pretty much agree!

There is also logic, I think, to why the RBS card is like that. I’d rather the beach hut scene than a bland logo-based design in the style of HSBC (at least it looks nice). It does also tie-in fairly well with the general style of their marketing imagery.

NatWest’s is just a car crash design, it’s appalling.

@ndrw I wonder if the reorder card button might actually send another Visa, unless you say the card was lost/stolen? I say this because a “damaged” card is generally re-issued with the same card number, so may still be Visa.