✅ Cheque Imaging 📱

Either B (who are Clydesdale IIRC) or Barclays to get in-app cheque imaging.

It’s worth having a throwaway account to do it if you get a couple of cheques a year, as I do (with me it’s british gas FIT payments which they insist they don’t have the ability to pay by BACS… yeah a 30 billion pound company can’t work out how to pay by BACS - pull the other one it’s got shiny bells on…).


I guess when the banking protocols are introduced next year, meaning you can access you own bank account (held at, say, Lloyds) through another bank’s app (perhaps Barclays, which will provide cheque imaging clearing) I suppose it might technically become possible to clear a cheque through another bank.

I know beta, etc and they’ve not been going long - and it’s a lot of work and time.

But it kind of looks like the big banks have seen the risk and are overtaking the fintechs like Monzo and Starling. I know in reality it’s very complicated. But you’d kind of have expected fintech banks to have jumped all over this and to have implemented it first.

@spicefox yes you have to have Barclays CA and take part in their trail for this services.

It’s not just about adding a feature to the banking app to take a photo of a cheque. The whole clearing chain has to be updated to support cheque imaging. The fin tech banks are not clearing banks and so rely on other banks to clear the cheques. Until they have updated to the digital imaging clearing system, Monzo, Starling, et al won’t be able to support cheque imaging.

My understanding is that the big (clearing) banks are rolling this out in a phased approach, with some adding limited support now, and more coming on board with less limitations over the coming year.


I mean Monzo don’t even clear their own cheques - the requirements for doing so are rather stringent so they use a 3rd party!

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Yeah - I am being impatient. When they are fully up and running full scale I think we should be expecting them to be ahead in that way though.

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Yes, cheques suck.

However I received one earlier this week and sent it to Monzo - I keep meaning to contact in app but I can’t do that at work (Boo hiss)

My suggestion however, if possible, even though cheques stink, is a notifiction into your feed that Monzo have received the cheque and it is going through clearing. :white_check_mark:

also - if anyone at monzo wants to have a look at my account for me and check, cheers! :beer:


Good point! When I sent me in, I did message back a few days later to check it had arrived. Never trust snail mail… :stuck_out_tongue:


If you wish to use Monzo but need the ability to pay in the occasional cheque, I can recommend the B account. (Yorkshire and Clydesdale Banks).

This has digital cheque imaging and I paid in a cheque using this about 10 days ago. Worked really well.

Warning: More garish colours than you can shake a Monzo debit card at: https://www.youandb.co.uk


Just got a mail from B explaining this feature. Definitely useful! Hope Monzo can also implement

Or, contact Monzo in app chat and send the cheque by post. A bit slower, obviously, but there’s no need for another bank account.

Now, how do we deposit cash? :thinking:

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And flipping chicken

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I still wonder what the developers where smoking when they implemented that. :chicken::hatching_chick::joy:

They got muddled up between KYC and KFC

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There is so much on Cheque on the community, do we know what is the official (any update) status Monzo is at with Cheque.

I do know we are currently set and posting them to Monzo, however, is there some future though/ idea/ development going on with this part?

For me, it’s the only thing that holding me back/ going 100% with monzo!

@paul (only Monzo person I can see in this thread - sorry :blush:)

How many cheques do you receive each month?

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I’m a basketball reff and some clubs pay by cheque, depending on which club I go to depends on which method of payment.

It probably averages at 1 per month, however, a couple of weeks back I had 4 cheques (in one month). This was a bit more than normal, granted. However, enough for me to take the decision and go to my other bank to pay in, than post off.

I daresay, clubs are getting more advance, as one has already switched to a bank transfer method to pay, although older, traditional clubs prefer cheque method

Cheques are plainly ridiculous in this day and age. If I were you, I’d be looking at making it a condition of your service that payments are made by bank transfer …or look at a solution such as iZettle.

The longer that people generally entertain cheques as a reasonable method of payment, the longer we’ll have to put up with them.

Failing that, get an account with B (Yorkshire/Clydesdale) or Barclays and take advantage of cheque imaging. I’ve done this already. It’s easy.


Whilst I agree with you in my opinion, it is the clubs that decide what works best for them! To be fair to the clubs, they have been banking this way for longer than I have played/ reffed! To ask them to change now when it works for them (and we all know if something isn’t broken) from their point of view rude and intrusive when the whole league is voluntary and already an unthankful task. Therefore, whilst it is still ‘happening’ (and it is, like it or loath it) in today’s society, I think :monzo: should accept it with a better process and then when society catches up, then phase it out.