Announcing the Overdrafts Preview!

re: Are you using a specific criteria for selecting users on the preview list before pre-checking them for eligibility? - a mix of randomly selected users and users who have expressed interest

re: And for the eligibility pre-check are you advising those users they are unable to take part in the preview due to the eligibility pre-check outcome? - not yet; eventually (in the coming month or two) everyone will know whether or not they are eligible for overdraft; but first we are informing people who are eligible; for those ineligible, we will wait for a bit to see (based on the data we gather) how best to inform them of the outcome and next steps

Incorrect email - being contacted :white_check_mark: - correct
not yet selected for assessment - no contact :white_check_mark: - correct, no point contacting people not yet selected for assessment, since we’ll get to everyone eventually
Selected/discounted for preview - ?? :warning: this step doesn’t exist; if you were Selected then you would also have been Assessed
Selected/Assessed and offered - being contacted :white_check_mark: - correct
Selected/Assessed and not offered - ?? :information_source: - eventually, if you are ineligible, we’ll let you know; but for the next few weeks we’ll wait for a bit to see (based on the data we gather) how best to inform people of the the outcome and next steps