An Update on Diversity and Inclusion at Monzo

Thanks for sharing this Brenda! :pray:t2:

I’d like to add my thoughts on this as well, as it’s a topic close to home and a big reason why I joined Monzo.

It would be:

  • illegal
  • immoral
  • counterproductive
  • stupid from a business perspective

for Monzo (or any other company for that matter) to reject an amazing candidate on the basis that they are in a ‘majority group’ for the purpose of making themselves appear more diverse. I don’t think this has ever happened in the history of Monzo and I would be very concerned if it had. We simply don’t have to do this.

Chris, I think that this is conflating talent and experience/education. Talent is about having the potential to succeed. There’s no evidence to suggest that someone has less potential just because they aren’t white, male, or straight.


I mean, yikes. If somebody is having to ‘swim against the tide’ to be hired, it’s probably not because of women. Let’s not use other groups as a scapegoat.
