Your Year in Monzo 2020 is ready for you

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That graph above from @suhailpatel suggests you didn’t have a lot of company in that choice! :smile:


I find this one really interesting. I presume their definition of “shopped” is going to a shop? I understand the fad ones going back down like the gaming ones and DIY after everyone has painted every wall. Even hospitality where lots of people weren’t confident in going back out.

But groceries? Have that many people really converted to just online shopping from a supermarket? No peaks at all when things reopened.

“This graph shows what happens when we send everyone an email with a link in it - next slide, please.”


I don’t know how many, but I’d guess a lot of people have. I used to do a grocery transaction up to about 5-7 times a week. Now it’s 2 at the most, and usually just one.

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That’s true, I hadn’t thought of it like that. I would frequently stop by the little Tesco on the way home from work, I haven’t done that since March!

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The tweet you quoted explains it. The number of shipping trips went down, but the amount we spent each trip went up.

In my case, I used to never do a big shop, I’d get bits and bobs every evening on the way home from work.

Now I almost never go to the shops after work, and get a big shop delivered every week or two instead. All told, I’m still spending roughly the same on groceries even though the distribution is dramatically different.


So I presume this report has three goals:

  1. Referral/acquisition campaign
  2. (Re)engagement tool for churned customers
  3. Delighter for active customers (strengthens engagement, which helps with retention)

On #2 though if I try to share my report with my girlfriend, who has Monzo but doesn’t use it often or as her primary account, but absolutely LOVES reports/data like this - it tries to open a report for HER Monzo account. It is trying to be clever and open a webview in the app for a local report, but that undermines the whole ability to share and compare between Monzo users. Since Monzo has a big problem convincing users to make Monzo their main account and this showcases one of the benefits of using it regularly (interesting data to make decisions with), this implementation decision seems like a bit of an own goal.

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I think most people wouldn’t want someone to see it all though, there’s a smaller share page that is more of a summary that is intended to be shared.


I have a solid amount of those things in stock … :laughing:

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