Wiki: Current Account Switching Incentives 💸

Well last time it was poorly written terms that meant it was a loophole.

It’s hard to tell if it’ll do a logic check now before paying out the bribe to see if it’s been claimed on a sister bank, my gut thinks they haven’t programmed in a check and it’s just words putting people off from trying it.

Anyone want to try it :sweat_smile:

If memory serves, I think some people got away with all three last time despite having previously received a bonus from one or more after the cutoff time they’d specified.

I guess the answer is most probably yes but just thought I’d check before she does it…

My wife can also create a burner sole account and then switch to NW and claim the offer right? The fact we have the same address won’t be a prohibitor?


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It’s per person not per address so fine for you both to claim it.

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If I already bank with RBS and have never had a switching incentive could I say switch another account in and open a further RBS current account to get the current ÂŁ200 on offer?

If you read the terms it says you can be an existing customer and as long as you haven’t got a bribe since 2020 you can get it this time, don’t think you have to even open a new RBS account for it.


This sounds perfect now which account to sacrifice :thinking:

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Chase have said they can’t support my switch to Lloyds until I close the linked savings account. I’ve now done that but not sure if I need to re- initiate the switch from the Lloyds end (and the switching support is by phone only…)

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With the NatWest switch offer, do you deposit the £1250 once you’ve successfully switched from the previous bank?

As long as 1250 comes in after the switch has completed within 60 days you’re good.

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All gone quiet… think I’m going to have to phone Lloyds on Friday.

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Save yourself some grief and tell the IVR you need ‘Switching team’. When I worked there, the internal docs for this weren’t too good… Normal frontline won’t likely know. Unless ya get a colleague who has been doing it longer than I’ve been alive :slight_smile:

All the best with it, but they should be able to “rekey” it no bother :slight_smile:

You worked at Lloyds?


I’ve worked at 4 of the banks on here. I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.
Working in Connect was sick.

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I never would’ve guessed.


The best sarcasm is if you’re unsure.


By popular demand…

If you type /s to show you’re being sarcastic you should be walked into the sea.


I preferred the other comment :face_holding_back_tears:


Must admit the /s was better


I didn’t make sense with you in the middle!


Who’s getting in the middle? Can I join in? :eyes: