Wiki: Current Account Switching Incentives 💸

They had a bribe deal in November 2023 so presumably lots of people like me joined then and then realised how awful they are and left again


TSB has returned the offer of £100 for opening a new account and then switching over to them.

You qualify for the offer you need to:

  • Full Switch Request
  • Log Into TSB App
  • Make 5 Payments with the Debit Card

If you do that before 27 September 2024 TSB will pay £100.

£90 Cashback over 6 months is also returning. It will be £15 for 6 months. You need to make 20 Debit Card Transactions to qualify for this.

Also a treat for staying with TSB is back as well. You need to make 20 Debit Card payments in March 2025 then you get to choose from:

  • A night away for two at a wide range of hotels, including Mercure
  • 2 ODEON cinema tickets each month for 3 months
  • NOW Entertainment Membership for 6 months


Guessing still no notifications for the app?

Just CASSed mine, but no notifications received while I had it.


Even if they offered £1000 I wouldn’t. I’m still astounded they exist!

Even Barclays and the Coop top them for me.

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Isn’t Lloyds, TSB, Halifax, etc all the same?

Lloyds TSB disbanded some years ago, I believe at the time Halifax was bundled in.

Edit: better worded below for Bank of Scotland.


Lloyds, Halifax, and Bank of Scotland are part of Lloyds Banking Group. TSB used to be part of Lloyds (Lloyds TSB) but were forced to separate when BOS joined Lloyds


TSB need to stop being stingy the going rate is £200 now.

£100 is a loaf of bread and pack of Sausages these days.


And Sausages? These sausages can’t be particularly high quality at that low price point… :sweat_smile:

Barclays paid out for me this morning.

Did you ever get your Santander bonus?

Could you share your switch complete date and payout date?

I’m at day 61 since switch completed, no bonus.

Paid in £1,500 and had the 2 direct debits active since day 1.

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If it helps, my switch completed on 23rd May and £175 bonus was paid in on 11th July. So in total it took 7 calendar weeks or 49 days from the switch completion date.



Not sure if I’m eligible then :sweat_smile: can’t recall having one from them in the past, but if it was it would’ve been years back.

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Yes I did receive it. I think a week or so after that post from memory. Ive since switched it out again to another offer so cant even go in and check :frowning:


It’s been a bit quiet for a while but First Direct are back again:

I’ll update the wiki. (Not eligible for this one unfortunately.)


The can’t have have had a First Direct incentive before looks standard from them but the HSBC requirement is nuts.

Can’t have also opened a HSBC account within almost the last seven years.

You’ve misread it. You can’t have ever had a First Direct PRODUCT before. Whether you had an incentive or not is irrelevant.

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Nationwide will be offering £175 from tomorrow with £1000 paid in + 2DD.

Also will offer 1% cashback on Debit card spend with FlexDirect account (not sure how long for).


New or existing?

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