Who wants to play pass the parcel?

Yes :point_left::metal::raised_hand::raised_back_of_hand::point_right::crossed_fingers::point_up_2::palms_up_together::raised_hands::fist::+1::fist_right::facepunch::point_down::facepunch::handshake::open_hands::face_with_monocle::sunglasses::nerd_face::blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::ok_man::tipping_hand_man::man_health_worker::man_health_worker::no_good_woman::man_health_worker::no_good_man::bowing_woman::family_man_woman_girl_boy::family_man_man_boy_boy::family_man_girl_girl::family_man_boy_boy::family_woman_boy::tiger::cat2::water_buffalo::horse::goat::zebra::goat::cat2::cow::cat::leopard::fox_face:


I was with you until :open_hands:

Looking lot like official :monzo: communications these posts! :rofl:


I do hope the situation improves, if my phone was not on DnD while I slept - i’d have had that notification at midnight for them not to say anything :wave: - granted they didn’t need to, but a reply I don’t think was warranted past Bianca’s response

I think what’s happening is that when there’s a high wait time for some queues it becomes available for triage and so a frontline COp can review and respond if necessary. Most of the time there’s nothing to say and so you’ll see a person appear but not reply.

I’m not 100% sure about this though because I can’t remember the last time I was on the frontline :grimacing:

It doesn’t count in your stats if you don’t send a message to the customer, so if somebody was gaming the system they’d send a reply.


As customers we don’t need to see that though, it is just annoying, could you feed that back? I would do it myself through the app but as the thread demonstrates that doesn’t always end well… :wink:


This probably shouldn’t be something staff feel they need to do. Send a message for the sake of their stats.


Completely agreed on that

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Good job nobody is saying they do that then

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I may has misread what he said, but that’s the impression I got from it.

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I read it the exact opposite: that the absence of a reply meant that they weren’t gaming stats.


I was responding to a post which mentioned that

Our SLA’s and OKRs, including targets for COps (both chats per hour and first touch resolution), are fundamentally tied together.

I was trying to illustrate the point, and obviously not very clearly, that if we were trying to manipulate SLA and stats then you’d see a reply each time you see a head blob appear.


Ah! My apologies. I can see how the same sentence can be read that way. Quite the opposite!


Im confused how you read it haha

If I’m honest I initially interpreted it like @coffeemadman did too :see_no_evil:


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