What would make Monzo so much better for you?

Only a couple of UI changes, which would make Monzo more usable in my opinion.

The UI for changing between sole and joint accounts isn’t the clearest on iOS. The Android implementation is simpler to use and more prominent in the app.

Scrolling horizontally to view your accounts/pots is counterintuitive. Its useful to list them vertically so you can see all your balances at once. This is how the majority of banks (all?) including Starling show balances. Its a small but very useful/logical tweak to Monzo’s otherwise excellent design.


They’re listed vertically on Android and I can’t see it being much of an improvement over horizontal scrolling. What would make it better would be for them to be more compact with a small thumbnail to the left and the name and balance to the right.


Almost something like this?



That’s exactly how I feel about it.
Perhaps to give it purpose it needs a prediction line that relates to summary or a saving budget you can set for yourself so at a glance you can see if your above or below. Perhaps a week view would also help as you can’t see much granularity when a month is squeezed into the screen


Yes! Exactly like this.

BTW - just discovered that a long press anywhere on the bottom nav bar on iOS allows you to fast switch between accounts. Nice!

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  1. pulse graph be gone :no_entry_sign:

  2. smaller pot images (and custom images) :camera_flash:

  3. Custom dates in summary! I get paid on the last Thursday of the month and there just isn’t an option in summery that works :frowning:

  4. More/custom catigories :+1:


I’d want a metallic card to make me feel more appreciated that I invested and beta’d Monzo.

Also I’d want a metallic looking card on Apple Pay for the same reasons.

Failing that, a bag of vegetarian sweets sent to me every month.

Metal card I would like

Hot Coral Metal Card