What’s your financial set up?

It’ll change by this time next week!


I absolutely guarantee at least one if not 2 of those cards will be removed this time next week. :smiling_face_with_tear:


I reckon the monzo stuff and one Amex card lol


Where’s your Starling Cards?

No point being in wallet when I don’t use them, Starling joint is just wages and direct debits.

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How do you deal with changing from one bank to another? I find it frustrating and can’t help myself, 1 minute I will come up with what I want each back to do, then about an hour later, I’ll change my mind. I’ll also tell myself, I’ll go full on with one of the banks then I’ll change again about separating the accounts. Don’t know why I find it so difficult to just choose a bank :joy:

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To be fair, after a mess about Jan-March last year I’ve stuck with wage and DDs in Staling so everything else is fair game to move and only takes a few minutes lol.

No longer “all in” like I used to want but it means I can swap as and when.

First Direct - Main account, joint bills/shopping, CC
Chase - Daily spending, subscriptions, CC
Amex - Don’t use much nowadays
Marcus - General savings
Moneybox - General savings
ii - SIPP, S&S ISA
Lightyear - Some ETFs, MMF cash savings

I have really cut back on opening any new accounts and closed anything I no longer use to try simplify things.


Latest stack following a couple of changes and the arrival of a new Nationwide card:


Every time I see the Nationwide logo all I can think is it looks like Pac-Man eating a house. The redesign does look much better though and more modern.


Moving from Monzo to Starling, Monzo restricted my account with a video verification after I paid with ApplePay after Christmas in the local co-op. They won’t tell me why and the account was released several hours after I did the video verification but I didn’t want to take the chance of being locked out again.

HSBC for all the joint/house bills/DDs etc


What activity is required to stop bank accounts being closed by banks due to inactivity? I don’t use First Direct and HSBC very often, it have standing orders set up on both for their regular saver, and FD has a direct debit for the gold card. In transferring money into each account the day of the standing order/direct debit and then those SO/DD enough to stop the accounts being closed?

My FD account is used solely as a portal for their Regular Saver.

A standing Order from elsewhere goes into FD Current Account in time for a SO from FD Current to go into the RS.

Has been like that for 30 months or so now. Not had any issues.

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I don’t think an account will be closed for inactivity without it being a very long time (10+ years) and/or lots of warnings from them.

It’s not a sudden thing at all


I feel like HSBC a few years back started sending me loads of messages about my account being inactive, and then just stopped and nothing happened to the account.

MBNA closed my credit card due to inactivity. Otherwise nobody’s bothered me about my dormant accounts.

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My partner and I use FD for joint bills/shopping. She has her own 1st Account and the joint accounts. FD is not her main bank, so she rarely uses her own 1st Account. She received a text (I think, it was a while back now) informing her that there had been no activity with her account for six months, so she sends herself like £2 every so often and she hasn’t had another message from them since. I think you will be fine as you have some form of flow of money going into the account.

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If you have standing orders on it then it’s not inactive. Inactive means nothing going in or out at all.


Good to know. My main bank currently is Santander, but that may change if they change their Edge account too much in the future so I’m happy to have the HSBC and FD accounts as backups.

First direct is the only account that’s ever moved to dormant status, it never closed though.

Then when I added money it was fine, I could still use the app etc during that time.

My credit report did update its status to active again I think by memory.

I can part understand this for their books, being a credit facility.

Only ever had a CC closed due to inactivity before, didn’t know it was a thing back then so always use them all now and then now.