What is the difference between Lloyds and Halifax?

Very useful, everyone lucky enough to have over £85,000 saved in cash should be looking carefully at that list!

And from that list, Monzo is linked to ‘OakNorth Bank’?

Anyone ever heard of them? Was that how Monzo got it’s banking licence in the first place - buy buying another organisation that already had one?

thats interesting …it seems to suggest Monzo is linked as a deposit taker for Oaknorth and you are only covered for 85K from both institutions …Oaknorth was offered in app as a fixed interest bearing savings account some time ago , I thought they had their own 85K protection from memory hmmmmm

edit …apparently not although then why doesnt Which mention Charter savings bank as an included bank ???

I also thought that, I wonder if the list is actually wrong about Monzo?

In that the Which list haven’t included other savings providers offered through Monzo … the help section says Monzo “deposits held in those accounts will also count towards the limit of 85K”

It’s not that clear, but I took that to mean that the £85,000 allowance was shared between my deposits under that brand via Monzo pots and any deposits I might have with the same brand directly?

Rather than shared with Monzo’s “main allowance” for the Monzo brand.