We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

We’ll remove the option to have it fully expanded, should ease this pain.

You can tap on the Home button to “fly” between accounts. This is only available on Android but will come to iOS too.

This is preparation for the future. The Pot screen is not that useful because before it was buried deep in the app. Now in the new structure it makes total sense to use it more, and there’s lots of cool things we can do here. Btw I’m using the new feature to take direct debits out of Pots, and they appear in the drawer. It’s so good in the new nav!

We’re going to make lots of improvements to budgeting related features, at that time we’d revisit this. I’m still unsure if we need to add the balance per day in the new navigation before rolling out to everyone, it’s the only functionality that we lost from the transition. The benefit of not doing this now is putting a bit more thought on how we want this to work (with the new budgeting stuff).

We’ll add the days indicator.

You can now! There was a regression in the latest apps but keep an eye for this in the next release.

We’re working on a new interaction gesture that makes this easier (you’ll just pull down your drawer to switch to the Accounts view).

Adding soon.

We plan to add this, but not just yet. Don’t worry, this will def come (along with custom categories :smirk:)

We have a design for a new screen that merges profile and settings, so tapping your name in Accounts opens that screen, and you don’t need to tap Settings from inside of Profile.