Upcoming Monzo Events 📆 (open Wiki)

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You can view the upcoming events that Monzo has organised here -

Events with talks from the Monzo team

26th October - Canvas Conference - @Hugo

18th October - Interact, London - @vuokko

UX & Design Conference

4th October - Pay Expo Europe, Excel London - @tom

Tom’s talk is titled

Building a smart bank; From crowdfunding to reality

Wednesday 20th September - GoSF, San Francisco - @matt

Banking on Go

Matt Heath will walk through how Monzo, a new UK based bank, have developed their Go-based banking platform along with some of the challenges they have faced while growing both their team and infrastructure.

Wednesday 27th September - Facebook Live - @tom



Events are listed newest first so that users don’t have to scroll past events which have already happened.

Please add events in order of their date, with a link to the event page / website etc. using [event name](url.com), full tweets are ok but lots of expanded pages from event pages make it harder to skim through the list of events.

Details of past events will be deleted from this topic, after a couple of weeks so that users can see what’s happened recently & search for videos, presentation etc. which have been posted as dedicated topics.


If you have any suggestions about how this topic could be managed better, please send me a direct message.


Some events are aimed at signing up new Monzo users but I’ve found the talks at these events interesting (particularly the free form Q&A) & I guess it helps to have a few Monzo users turning up, to rave about the product to someone who’s considering signing up.
If there are any events which Monzo wouldn’t want existing users to attend, I’m assuming that they’ll let us know.

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