Under 18s accounts

I guess that’s how the rich stay rich! :grin:

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Any update on this please @Chapuys? Love Monzo, would dearly love to shift birthday money for my child from fuddy-old bank account to sparkly Monzo.


Looks like they’re starting with older teens first


I’m curious into how younger teen/children’s accounts might work if they don’t have their own mobile ? Will it be like joint accounts and accessed via the parents device ? If this has been asked before apologies!


I haven’t seen it asked, but I also haven’t seen any indication it’ll come (seems to be 16 and up).

Although (and I’d love to get input from other parents out there), I reckon almost every 12 year old (secondary school age), will have some form of smart phone!


Jeez, how times have changed :stuck_out_tongue: Nokia 3210 first phone and definitely wasn’t an early teen ha

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They’re starting with older and then will lower the age at a later date is my understanding. Under 12’s should probably be on parents app but over that and they probably have a better phone than their parents


Thankyou @Rat_au_van :+1:t3:

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My first mobile was a Motorola d520 so times have chdnged no sms ability on pay as you go.

If my kids have a better phone than me, then they’ve stolen mine! :joy:

It’s sad, but it’s almost a necessity for secondary school kids to have a phone (11 upwards).

We went to an open day recently, and were told by the head teacher “If we see phones being used, we’ll confiscate them”.

Then in every class, all the teachers said “kids can use their phones for a calculator, researching words, taking photos etc etc”. As long as it’s used in class, and not out of, they are encouraged to take it.


If we see phones being used, we’ll confiscate them

Kids need to be social. Whoever thinks simply banning phones will suddenly stop all the problems they cause (bullying over social media, etc) is stupid - in fact it will cause the opposite, as those that decide to abide by the rules and not use phones will become the targets of even more bullying by the “cool kids” who ignore the rules and still use their phones.

I don’t have a good solution against issues brought on by phones, but we just have to accept they are a necessary evil in this day and age. Better education around how to use them safely would be better than banning them IMO.


Turns out that Monzo are only giving accounts to 16-17 year olds. Dissapointing as nobody on this thread has really asked for that.


The problem with under 18 accounts is it’s much harder to electronically complete know your customer checks. So I guess starting with 16-18 and slowly scaling it upwards by lowering the age helps Monzo learn and improve the system as they go and should in theory protect them from fraud somewhat more than just launching it to all. As always it’s a fine balance between risk and reward!


How’s it harder? It’s just as hard as everybody else. (18+)

Under 18’s don’t have credit files. Under 17’s don’t have driving licenses


You can actually apply for a provisional license from 15.

If you get disability living allowance or whatever it is you can drive from 16.


You can apply for a provisional license to ride a moped at 15 years and 9 months but I digress.

I would concentrate on what we all have universally. A birth certificate. A passport (some teenagers have one) a proof of age card. (www.citizencard.com) You can get them for free if your at school or college. A letter (on official headed paper) from a school.

Most teenagers will have at lease two of the above. (birth certificate) Or would be able to get the other one. (Letter from a school)

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I’m unsure most 16-18’s will have two forms of ID. I didn’t as I only had my passport, no driving license and definitely no bills (birth certificate wasn’t accepted as a form of ID for some reason) with an address on and so when I got my legacy account, my mum had to write a letter to confirm I lived at the address I was registering at. So unsure what Monzo plan to do in that situation

How many people here are looking for it for themselves (because you are 14-18) - Compared with the parents who are looking for an easy to manage account for their kids.

For me - I want an account for my children (9 and 11), so they can use it, and understand the value in money.


Well that’s the same with everybody so it’s not something special with under 18 year olds