Under 16 QR code not working

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Does anyone have a solution for the accessing the qr link via the child’s phone? When it does scan, it produces a very long url that the phone can’t handle.
We can’t get it up and running on my son’s phone.

Download the Monzo app on your son’s phone first then try again?

Is your child’s phone an android? Check out a QR scanner in the App Store/online and find a decent one. Someone else managed to get theirs working through that.

Also needs the monzo app installed as noted above.

Tbh the login screen needs a kids style qr icon on the onscreen to allow the app to scan the qr directly.
Signup as well could highlight kids can’t join that way by having a message top/bottom or banner leading to a screen showing how they should join.

Thank you… was very hopeful, but no luck still.
Monzo app is installed. QR reader app installed. Can scan the code more easily, but the url link that appears is so long, nothing can seem to be done with it.

Right I have tried pretty much every qr code scanner. They scan fine but this is not the problem.
For the Devs I have seen this issue before on my android phone with Plum and open banking loops that fire links back and forth and expect the device to find apps from the links.
Androids ability to use web type links to locate and open apps on android phones is abysmal. If the phones for some reason get miss associations this approach no longer works and beyond a complete reset will never work.

I am unable to DM anyone due to the forum rules. This is why I guess you are doing a phased roll out. There is much to improve onboarding.

New to the kids app having been granted access. UK based.
None of the instructions on how to get the kids app installed and work are anywhere in your promo website or internal to the parents app.
How are we supposed to know what to do?
This isn’t particularly well rolled out to be honest people!
I suspect I am now also caught in a loop with a ‘claimed’ email for my daughter.

Hey all,

Just to let you know that from version 5.94.0 there will be new buttons in pre sign-up/in that should help prevent under-16 users starting the adult sign up flow (the cause of most of the issues above).

When a fresh install of Monzo lands on the welcome screen, on both the “I’m new to Monzo” and “I already have an account” paths there will be callouts specifically for under-16 users that guides them towards signing in. We’ve even added support for an in-app QR scanner so folks don’t have to rely on 3rd party camera apps anymore.

We hope this resolves some of the issues you’re experiencing. As usual, please let us know if you have any feedback.

5.94.0 should go to App/Play stores on Monday 7th October, but if you’re in either beta programme then access to the new flow should be enabled from today.



The new welcome screen is live for me :+1:

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Great work!

So how do we get emails reset?

I’ve messaged via the in app help system but no response. At the moment there is no way to contact yourself due to forum rating rules.

At the moment I think there probably needs to be a dedicated flow to unstick emails that have been incorrectly added already by over excited adults… er I mean kids :slight_smile:

I will DM you :+1:

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@johnyorke please can you DM me with how to reset my daughter’s email, as she too has claimed it due to her android not picking up the QR code correctly. Help much appreciated :blush:

Hi - I have just received U16 cards for my kids. Issue I’m having is when QR code is scanned (from my app to daughters device, both ios) it says ‘no useable data found’

so i think i know what’s happened. my over-enthusiastic daughter went off on her own when the card arrived and downloaded the monzo app and went through sign up and added her email address in. when you do this the QR code function doesn’t work.

by contrast, my lad came straight to me, we downloaded the app (didn’t add any info or open monzo etc) scanned the QR code from my app and it worked fine.

so my problem now is i’m stuck with my daughters setup

I have a Monzo account and have set up to child accounts, cards arrived and activated. Scanned the qr code and both kids have the app but it won’t let them see the account as it says in the age verification page they aren’t old enough to open an account.
I’m unsure what to do…or how to solve it?

I have two kids accounts and I have activated my daughter’s card but when we try and log into the app using the QR code and enter her DOB it says she can’t have an account as she’s under 16. I’ve also tried adding her email address to her personal details but it says that email address is already assigned to someone else. Can someone please help? I want to transfer her money over but she needs the app to track her spending. Thank you

Hi, im having the same problems with activating my childs account. I tried QR code several times with the link which didnt work. I downlpad the app on my childs phone and logged in with their email hopeing it would automatically link to the card that was set up, but it takes me to the age verification page. I enterd my childs DOB and it saying that they must ne 16 and over to open an account and i cant go forward from here. What do i do from now? Please can you help with this . Thank you

Hi Johnny,

There are serious shortcomings with the process of getting the app signed in on kids devices on Android.

Google apps (chrome/eyes) just give a plain text output from the one time QR code and it is completely unopenable.

The monzo:// link is not recognised.

Firefox doesn’t like the link either, or Opera.

  • What you really really to to consider too is this is for kids, kids really are not going to have email addresses *

I now have zero, 0, no way to login on kids device.

I refuse to use hacky gmail ways to do this, it defeats the purpose.

Please test on Android.

Hey Jade,

Thanks for your feedback. Sounds like a very frustrating experience, so apologies for that.

On the reliability of QR code scanning - version 5.94.0 (which is available from today) supports an in-Monzo QR scanner so all the Chrome/Firefox issues should no longer plague you.

On email-less login - we realised quite early on that lots of children don’t have reliable email addresses so for the last few weeks we have accepted child accounts being created without an email address. This will force you to use QR as the login method, but given the above the experience should be much smoother from now on.

Thanks again for getting in touch and welcome to the community!
