TV Shows!

I will try again tomorrow.

My hearing is going, so I watch it with subtitles anyway

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Just about to settle down and watch Silo S2E1 The Engineer

ā€˜Well, letā€™s go outsideā€¦ā€™


Forgot it was Friday today!

Been looking forward to this. Will watch it tonight.

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Iā€™m going to start on season 1 tonight, so no spoilers please :slight_smile:


Finished Poker Face just before my Now sub expired. Fun show that felt very much like Murder She Wrote.

Time to finsih the Arcane rewatch and then start Season Two.

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Going to start watching Silo tonight.

Seems to be popular.


OK - hooked :slight_smile:


Wife is away this weekend so havenā€™t started series 2 of Silo yet (sheā€™d kill me). I have however finished Disclaimer. Maybe a little slow to start but overall I enjoyed it. Worth a watch.


I had been pondering on Disclaimer, may give it a go.

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On episode 4 of Silo and itā€™s brilliant so far. Itā€™s giving me Fallout vibes.

Off work this week, so should hopefully be able to watch all.


Did anyone watch Dune Prophecy last night?

I really enjoyed it

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Yep I did, liking its potential. Also watched some Penguin and it seems decent so far.

The first time my sky stream has been on in a month and a half and of course I had to reboot it to get sound to work properly.

Definitely interested see where is goes. I thought it kept the style of the films really well. Theyā€™ve obviously put a lot of money behind it.

I need to finishg penguin actually. I put it on hold while I got struck into some trash TV with Married at First Sightā€¦ :face_with_peeking_eye:

What is folks opinion on the new season of silo so farā€¦enjoying it?

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Iā€™m enjoying the series overall including the first few episodes of Season 2, but I have been disappointed by some of the plot developments.

Then again, Iā€™ve not read the books, so my imagination has probably raised my expectations a little too high.

I canā€™t really elaborate without spoiling, so I wonā€™t.

A good series though.

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Iā€™ve seen really good reviews for Series 2 so looking forward to it. I have read most of the book (which covers both seasons I believe) So do have some idea of the main plots of the series. There were some changes though with series 1 so I am interested to see what theyā€™ve changed this time.

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From what Iā€™ve been told, in the books the story told through season 1 diverges quite a lot afterwards (the content season 1 is based on is quite different from the content season 2 is based on), and I imagine season 2 reflects that.

Iā€™m enjoying it still though, and I think my anticipation for the next episode is more this time around too.


Itā€™s been a while since I read or watched it but Sims was barely in the book from what I remember, or at least was less important. A lot of the organisation of which group was in charge and protecting the Silo changed I think. This did lead to a few differences with Bernard as well.


I bought the first 2 books the other week on sale 99p each, Iā€™ve only watched season 1 so going to read the books before I start season 2.

Not sure if Iā€™ll buy the 3rd book and read that before watching though.

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