Traitors (TV show)

More thoughts on The Traitors US Season 3!

Episode 3 thoughts:

  • Stop picking on the housewives Bob!
  • These traitors are gonna start turning on each other real quick. They don’t get along and the two trying to dictate are making the dumbest choices.
  • Omg not Ayan! :sob: Going for another housewife is such a dumb move though. There’s only two left, and then all eyes will be on Danielle. I hope they catch Bob for that. I don’t think I can root for the traitors for as long as Bob and Danielle are among them.
  • In Ayan’s wake, Zac Effrons lil bro, sorry, I mean, Miss Guided is my new favourite.
  • The plain sight thing was different to the UK one. I think I preferred the idea of our death match. This one’s too similar to the whole putting them on trial thing which has been done before.
    Also, not sure if it’s just clever editing, but it was far more tense of a twist with this one and the ending almost makes it look like they get busted.

Episode 4 thoughts:

  • Ooo! She did bust them! Exciting!
  • Dylan, I mean, Miss Guided is great and far from misguided.
  • Okay, I take it back. This twist is better than our death match.
  • Finally, a smart murder decision. Rob is great playing a traitor, but I also can’t help but feel like he’ll be taken down if only the fact he’d be obvious given the mythology surrounding him from his appearance on other shows.
  • Gabby could be a dark horse and I love her self awareness.
  • Derrick’s been paying attention at how to properly play the game as a faithful. I reckon he’ll go far, if not get to the final.
  • Rob going for Bob. Love it. The scheming. The shit stirring. Danielle! You’re ruining it. This round table will be a hoot!
  • And a hoot it was. Rob is fantastic. And that look he shot before uttering his name. And the reaction. Priceless. The shade thrown at Zac Efron. Explosive. And that Silence please from Alan. Pinnacle television.
  • Got ‘em. Bye bye Bob. Bring on episode 5!

I think I’m loving this more than the U.K. one! Episode 4’s round table especially was a whole other level than anything we got from the U.K. season. Such a blast to watch.

Finished catching up the Traitors US season 3 so far, so thoughts on episodes 5 and 6 below. It’s a longer post today because episode 6 (and the ending of Episode 5 right after the round table) might just be the best episode of the traitors of every season of every version. If you haven’t seen it yet, get caught up and watch it. Holy cow.

Episode 5 thoughts:

  • I think Robyn was a mistake. Not necessarily for Rob, but certainly for Danielle if one of the faithfuls has a memory, and I think collectively they’re a smart bunch and Tom.
  • Wes and Derick are great.
  • Danielle wanting to throw Carolyn under the bus is a dumb move. But she makes a lot of those. Carolyn is great and if they’d just work together, they’d be able to deal with the Rob problem easy peasy.
  • The urn challenge I’m sure wasn’t in the U.K. version. Average challenge. Nothing remarkable. But Danielle! Her decision making, yet again (except saving the housewife), is so questionably sus!
  • Danielle is out of her depth and she doesn’t realise it.
  • Predictable roundtable. Bye Nikki. I think Rob needs to tread carefully. And Danielle needs to get off the throw Carolyn under the bus train. I hope the tables get turned on her if she doesn’t.
  • And Dylan just outing Danielle for her plotting and scheming against Carolyn to Carolyn. :joy:
  • I can’t wait for the traitors turret. If the goal was to pick a group of folks who would never get along and sooner murder each other than the faithfuls in order to create maximum drama, then they sure succeeded. I think this is the first variation of the show where team traitors have been like this and it’s fantastic!

Episode 6 thoughts:
Wow. Amazing television.

  • The Traitors At each other straight away! Crikey! That was intense.
  • Rob banishing Bob won’t look good for him!
  • Gabby is right on the nose about Tom. Like I said a few episodes ago. Dark horse. I think she’s more switched on than people realise. And for Tom to then immediately prove her right by suggesting Dolores as a traitor. :joy:
  • Carolyn discovering yet another of Danielle’s seeds is :ok_hand:. Her reaction. If they both survive today’s round table, good heavens the turret. This is too good.
  • The giant traitor challenge, but without the uk twist is lame
  • I’m starting to think, based on the challenges, the US version was filmed first, with the UK doing them afterwards. Because it does seem like adaptations were made and informed based on how well they worked on the US version. Like the clown one, it’s clear from the drone shots, than any door is passable in theory, and there aren’t actually clowns in all but one, so I think the UK group had some manufactured luck to help them along after the US folks flopped.
  • Carolyn yet again unearthing more of Daneielle’s plot to chuck her under the bus! :joy:
  • Rob’s so worried about Wes, he’s not gonna see Derrick coming. I think he’s done. I think Danielle will soon be gone, too. I get the vibe they trust Carolyn more, and Danielle’s been exposed for planting those seeds. That, plus her past behaviour, I don’t know how she isn’t under more suspicion.

The Episode 6 round table:
This round table was so good it really should deserve its own post. Maybe even its own thread. The best one since Phaedra took down Dan in The US season two. Maybe since ever.

  • I love Dolores. And the bad faithful argument. Needs to happen more, I think.
  • Derrick is fantastic. As is Rob, brilliant defence.
  • Nah Rob, Wes is bang on the money. As is Derrick for that matter.
  • Carolyn! Going after Danielle! Laying all the evidence of her lying and scheming plot to throw her under the bus! This is tv gold! Oh my goodness.
  • And then Danielle voting for Rob! She’s too blind to wanting him gone that she missed Wes digging his own grave and misfired.
  • If there was ever a round table to leave on a cliffhanger, that was it.
  • The sore loser attitude Wes displayed when Rob started turning the tables is the only reason he went and Rob survived. The groups never take it well when you turn nasty at the sign of any criticism or sus. I’ll be surprised if Rob survives the next episode.

Episode 6 (after the round table) thoughts:

  • I hope what Derrick told you sinks in, Dylan, because I suspect Derrick is dead right. He’ll be killed and Rob will spin it as the traitors framing him.
  • That traitors turret was like a second round table. They all just wanna murder each other. Going at each other rather than choosing who to kill. It’s fantastic. I love it.
  • Carolyn trying to fork an alliance with Rob is next level. I think his hands are tied if he wants to survive. Kill Rob, catch winkwink Danielle to prove even more you’re a faithful without the influential voice to spell out to the group what just happened. I still think he’s on borrowed time though.

And now I have to wait three whole days for Episode 7! :sob:
I can’t wait. This is too good.


I can’t lie, I was looking forward to reading this post. What a cracking couple of episodes!

Just annoying now we have to wait WEEKLY for more on the iPlayer!


Yep, that was an incredible couple of hours of television last night and this morning.

The show is always a good watch, often in different ways, and it’s remarkable how something as simple as a different group of people transform the tone of the show so dramatically whilst retaining the same kind of entertainment. It’s why it doesn’t get old when you’re essentially watching the exact same show again.

And to think I almost chose to watch episode 3 of Mythic Quest with my breakfast this morning instead. :sweat_smile:

I know the mix of reality stars (they’re the least grating they’ve ever been this season, and are collectively quite a likeable cast) puts some people off, but honestly, if you can get past that, it’s worth getting through just for episode 6 alone.

I’m not overly familiar with Boston Rob, but familiar enough to recognise the name, know his face and a bit of his reputation, and even he seems to be taken aback by the fireworks and out of his depth at moments. Been told by friends who watch Survivor religiously that they’ve never him react quite like he did in that traitors turret.

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