Time bounded and repeatable budgets

I would find really useful the ability to set specific time bounded budgets… so say I’m going away for the weekend, I could set a budget for that period of time for £50.

These could be repeatable so I could give myself an every-weekend or every-day budget.

Adding the ability to set specific category budgets within these, would make this an extremely powerful and flexible feature!

They should also be given a precedence (though this could be implicitly derived somehow) so only the highest precedent budget is considered at any time. So when I’m on holiday, for example, my holiday budget should override my normal weekly budget.

How I imagine this to look on the budget page, you would see a list of budgets in order of precedence for a given month, so monthly at the bottom, then maybe a daily repeating budget, then a weekend repeating budget and then maybe at the top a specific budget for a trip that month. The repeating ones would roll over month to month as appropriate. Selecting a time budget would display all of the occurrences of that budget in the month, and selecting one of those would show a page similar to the current budget summary page.

You could do this in a form by moving money into a pot

I think I see what you are saying… but would that not require me to move money back a forth in and out of pots manually a lot? I would like something that, when I look at my home page, automatically gives me an idea of how much I have spent of my budget for that particular moment in time. “You have spent £200 of your current £50 weekend budget, Chris, please stop drunkenly buying beers for your mates now”

The option that would require you to not move money back and forth though it isnt ideal is to move all money into a pot except what you want to spend that weekend

Though I think your idea is a good one and would be nice to see someway for it to be implemented

I guess if you could automatically change so your card only withdrew from a pot would be one option

I see what your saying. Yeah maybe you could have a concept like a ‘spending pot’ that would automatically (or manually) set itself as your virtual account for a specific period of time? Maybe they could have their own budget categories and separate account statements as well?

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Yeah I like this more actually… bringing shared pots like this into the mix as well would be seriously ace.

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