The Monzo Community Plays... Among Us!

I’m glad it’s this map

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I’ll try and hop in, although I may have to leave a little early - sorry :pensive:

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I will do a test stream now see if it works for me update: it didn’t work

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Is their like a discord or something to talk to each other or?

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Depends if it is voice chat or typing? If it’s typing I assume in game chat. If it is VC then the new people will have to know they can’t announce who killed them etc. it’s quite easy once you understand the concept though

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I don’t think so, although Monzo community discord isn’t a bad idea :eyes:

This forum chat will be available the entire time though :+1:

There’s also an in-game chat which is available during found bodies and emergency meetings.

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Interestingly, @WhyAydan reached out recently to suggest discord.

I think for this session, to keep it accessible for everyone who wants to play, we’ll just use the in game chat at discussions, and of course this thread here for outside chatter (though don’t come here and spoil who the imposter is!)

A discord server for community gaming sessions isn’t a bad idea though, and if enough folks are interested, it may be worth making one, but I’ll leave that up to @WhyAydan (or someone else) if they want to do it.


Do we set usernames to our username on here so people are easy to identify?

Ain’t his birthday lol

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It’s probably better if we use the same name as our username here (you can always change your among us name back to what it used to be afterwards if it’s something different), but I think we can leave that up to individual choice. :slight_smile:

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What does the cake mean?

Means he’s got buns


It’s the anniversary of my community account!

Which means today marks the anniversary of the day after the time I managed to slip into a N26 beta Apple Pay provisioning period only to wind up embarrassing myself by creating an account here to declare Apple Pay was now supported!


I now feel so stupid :man_facepalming:

Looking forward to Amogus tho :smile:


I have the discord server ready but no idea if people are actually wanting to use it? If they are then lemme know and I’ll send the invite link


I’ll join for sure!


It’s very basic as not sure what it will be used for other than this Among us session


Hopefully not much, I wouldn’t want the discussion to shift to Discord as I don’t use it! :laughing:


Ooh that’s a good point. I also think Discourse is a decent platform in general, as discord would require loads of threads to achieve the same levels of discussion a there is on here. Who knows, maybe it will become a thing :man_shrugging:

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Hey folks! The room is now open! To join, go to Play > Online > Private (Enter Code) and use the room code:


We’ll wait a fair amount of time so folks have plenty of time to join.

If you’re late joining us, you might run into difficulty if a game is in progress. Drop me DM, or let us know on the discord if that happens and I’ll let you know when we’re back in the lobby so you can join.

If you want to optionally join in with voice chat in Discord (you don’t have to) here is the invite link:

@Ashton @Mar_Low @Mitchum @ndrw @WhyAydan @Will_i @michaelw90 @jo @Dan5

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