The Great Permacrises

There’s even a Facebook group for photos of them in the wild, although it’s not as popular as the group for Wolf fleeces.

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I always thought it was quite an effective solution to the problem of misinformation and disinformation.

Whenever folks have shared screenshots of it being abused in the fashion you describe, I’ll often try to seek out the source in the screenshot, and the community note pictured never exists. It’s not without its flaws (it relies on the underlying sources being trustworthy, for one), but I think it’s a heck of a lot more effective, and efficient, than traditional fact checking services, so I don’t blame Meta for adopting it. Crowd sourcing almost always wins in the end. Wikipedia, is the best example of it by far.

Wikipedia is quite regulated and monitored though. It’s not totally open.

I can become a community notes creator on X. I can already rate notes and most of them are just opinions or uncheckable.

Sorry my friend I’m going to hard disagree here: I don’t think the general masses can be fact checking.

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A woman walks past my house every day with her dog, she’s obviously had a dry robe for Christmas.

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What… is… a dry robe?!

Do you mean a dressing gown? An Oodie? Or something different? :sob:

It’s a brand. A huge overcoat that you’d wear if you’d been doing watersports for example

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I had the same thing going on with Under Armour for so long it’s embarrassing. I was like ‘its not even armour’

I’m not sure if it’s aimed more towards women or not but I only ever seen women wearing them, often when I go to Tesco.

Very useful for outdoor swimming, it’s basically a huge towel that’s robe shaped and waterproof on the outside that you can get changed under while keeping warm & dry if it’s raining.

Never seen them used outside of this context though :smile:

I will find a misuse of a Dry Robe for you tomorrow, simply by walking in the main street of my small home town.


Dry Robe Wankers on Facebook has some examples.

I have no strong feelings either way!

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Happy 7th Forumversary! :cake:


Musk is now pretty much full on with spreading disinformation to get Kier Starmer out, apparently something he’s decided he wants to happen.

I think this is pretty much unprecedented in international relations. It’s going to be wild when Trump takes office in a week or so.


Not sure where this fits but Merseyrail every weekend in January is £2 for a day travel ticket.

Absolute bargain.