This is just a quick, simple thank you to Sylvia who has just helped with my CA query
You went that extra mile Sylvia and it was appreciated. It’s very refreshing dealing with such attentive, helpful Monzo staff
That’s awesome feedback Sasha. What made the experience so positive?
Sylvia, I assume.
Sorry, not sorry.
It’s always nice to read these comments and I’m sure the team member will be really chuffed to get feedback like this
I’m glad you had an awesome experience!
I wasn’t really expecting anyone to comment! I had an unconventional query with my CA and nothing was too much trouble to sort . I have always had a positive, helpful experience when I’ve interacted with the office staff. I’m still fairly new round here and it’s encouraged me to stay! I count as being amongst those who found Monzo by chance on the internet whilst researching the prepay MasterCard market a few months ago for a trip abroad. I didn’t think I’d still be here for the CA owing to my boring, old fashioned need to use cheques and cash…!! It is partly the good, helpful interactions with staff that have encouraged me to stay
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