This is what appears when you click on a transaction and “something’s wrong”
I think this has changed also ?
Had that screen for a while…
Do we think we’re getting a treat today or nah?
So they’ve not only gone ahead with the building move, but done it mid-pandemic. Quite the thing. Onwards and upwards
The testflight is 20mb smaller than the release size which is good to see.
Not as exciting as I was hoping for but hey
Thing is it could be, just all be hiden for now.
We will probably know more tomorrow when the Android release happens and some kind soul does a tear down
True true
One thing I noticed straight off is that it tells you on a connected card when they last fetched the information:
That’s definitely an expired connection
How can I connect a credit card as well? Don’t see the option I got Barclaycard Amex and HSBC?
Amex never arrived… Barclaycard stopped working… not sure I’ve ever seen HSBC in the list?
Sadly, not a very complete feature.
Keep an eye out there have been teases that it will become much more fully featured soon.