Tackling Climate Change

Doesn’t matter how insignificant an individuals contribution is, it’s still better than nothing. We can’t control the actions of the most polluting countries but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take step ourselves


I don’t think anyone would argue otherwise. The difference is what you’re doing. You’re not affecting climate change, you don’t even register, you’re just making your local area better. It’s why the protestors in London are effectively doing nothing but disrupting people and ironically causing more pollution :smile:, they’re protesting in the wrong country for the cause there claiming to care for.

You can contribute to improving your local environment, this is good. You are not contributing to curbing climate change, that’s a global problem not a local one. That requires effects placed on the offending countries. The two problems require different solutions and methods and it’s all to common for people to think their doing something when there not, not at a climate changing level.


Agree to differ on that then

As much as this might have been true for the first few days, I wonder whether it is now. Those who have realised that they can’t drive to work or take buses through those areas might consider cycling, walking, or taking the tube, all of which are more environmentally friendly.

The impact of (hopefully) increased awareness going forwards can also not be underestimated, whether or not any of XR’s demands are met.

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Do you really think anyone’s more aware than they were before? We all know about the issue already and I’ve heard nothing new from the protest at all.

The protest has also been stopping public transport.

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I do think that what we do in our local communities and daily lives still make an impact. As developed continent, if we require suppliers in Asia to use different methods of packaging, materials, transports, etc we can influence what happens there too. If we all switch to renewable energy suppliers they will need to build more renewable systems to supply us with clean energy.
These changes will not be comfortable or easy but needed, I’d rather protests trying to change things than acknowledging the problem but expecting other to act. It doesn’t help that leaders like Trump are just deny it but we do need our politicians to listen and if they don’t we vote them out.


We might all know about the issue, but not everyone seems to. The seriousness of it is always diluted anyway so how aware people actually are is hard to judge.
Personally I’ve also heard nothing new, but I can’t say I’ve not been thinking about the issue more.

Jonathan Pie’s recent video summed things up quite nicely.


Absolutely love the video! :rofl:

Spot on. A soft shelled turtle went extinct this week whilst the church burned. I’m sad for the church but where were the millions to help conserve the turtle and countless other important species and ecosystems. I work for the Centre for Sustainable Energy www.cse.org.uk and we encourage everyone to do what they can to help, be that insulation for your home, switching energy suppliers, recycle, and don’t buy plastic where you can help it plus loads more around policy and research into climate change. But the biggest change you can make is lobby your MP. If the UK can become a world leader in zero carbon living, working and industry others may well follow. If we don’t try, I think your kids and their kids are gonna suffer for our apathy and I’m not sure how I could live with myself if I didn’t try.


116 million (2018) for global conservation from the WCS
3.4 million (2017) for the TSA (11.4 million previous year)

This is yearly funding. I’m unsure on the yearly funding given by the Chinese government (or others) to that particular zoo and association.

That’s helpful then but where’s the prominence in msm? Maybe donating to a beautiful church is better publicity for Disney et al than the nature that we depend on to survive.

There’s an entire environmental section in almost all news sites. People are allowed to put her money where they want and we can rebuild a church as well as help the environment.

As for Disney, they donated over 300 million in 2018. And on their own environmental impact are on track for their 2020 targets.

Agreed, I’m so happy the church is getting love. Governments need to do a ton load more than what’s currently happening to prevent global catastrophe. The people can help but policy needs to happen, and Government should be bold and brave.

Great news for the UK. :raised_hands:

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Business as usual then.