If this was a genuine comparison service id be pleased but the chance of 1 particular company being preferable at 1 particular time is pretty slim.
Definitely an ad, interested by the concept but not the limitations
If this was a genuine comparison service id be pleased but the chance of 1 particular company being preferable at 1 particular time is pretty slim.
Definitely an ad, interested by the concept but not the limitations
Which is understandable for a loss makeing company, but they do need to make sure they keep their eye on the ball when it comes to the basics and dont stop improving existing features like budgets/summary or they leave the door open to other innovative fintechs.
I’m surprised they didn’t learn from last time they did this, all the same complaints are here
I guess until they build their marketplace they’ve got no other way to surface there’s things. Maybe they should focus on a market place tab first even if it just had this one offer?
There should be an offers tab, such as on Amex, where all the commercials should go. Otherwise it feels irrelevant or spammy.
I recently got a loan notification to suggest I should split a payment over a few months. That made me feel some negativity towards monzo.
Monzo survives on good feelings from customers, be careful with them.
Exactly, currently it’s just about sticking you with whoever offers them the biggest kickback without being that useful or thoughtful.
I don’t mind getting it in my feed, preferable to emails. It shows are trying to do something new. One swipe and it’s gone. Old legacy banks with paper statements couldn’t do this.
I think there’s a toggle for this kind of notification in Settings.
Hopefully Monzo offer something similar to Look After My Bills in the future, and automatically switch people to a number of possible energy suppliers for free at the end of their energy contract, rather than only offering to switch to one company.
In the sign up flow it does reference doing something along those lines:
Tie up with https://flipper.community maybe?
So I do agree with many of your points.
Monzo needs to decide on one of two directions (IMHO):
Until you have the elements of energy charging laid out in point two, you’re not actually helping a consumer, you’re just asking them to use a limited switching service. I think that the opportunity is there to do it properly, and to really help consumers to understand the true and full cost / benefits of switching (especially if Monzo could be the counterparty that holds the cash, so you don’t end up with excess cash in an energy provider bank account)…however…is this Monzo, or is this a new product?
If you do the right thing by consumers and genuinely help them to make better, informed decisions, its great. If not, don’t do half a job, exit and leave to someone else.
Hi David!
I agree, and i think the link with OneDox would have been really powerful here, but it seems to have died off…
So this is a great step in the right direction. For me, I’d love to see total integration.
If I’m on the Octopus deal (or I give you my energy usage figures) Monzo tells me the best deal from the energy suppliers in the marketplace. Over the year, you know my tariff, how much I pay every month, and could link with my live billing through an API or something like Onedox (which I already use and which Starling offer in their marketplace) so that when switching again becomes beneficial Monzo can recommend again.
I’m not stupid to the commission bias inherent in comparison sites, but as long as Monzo fills the marketplace with a range of companies, Big 6 and smaller companies, so that I can pick and choose different ethical positions and fuel types, and I save money every year, I don’t really care if Monzo earns a big fat commission and I’m not on absolutely the cheapest deal.
I’m not singling you out Dan as loads of people do this. But I wish the referral spam would stop on this forum.
Nearly every forum I’ve ever been on has banned the use of referral links and that posts demonstrates why. It doesn’t add value to the conversation and have started appearing in places they shouldn’t be.
Edit: The post I was referring to has since been removed
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