Starling Bank Discussion: Part 2

They fixed name and logos for my local Asda. But in original merchant information still aDsa. Used NatWest, Monzo, TSB same store never had adsa

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A reminder from Starling bank :wink:

I got a Christmas present from them for winning a competition on X (formerly known as Twitter)


Congrats :socks:

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Has anyone been able to use to new open baking features in the Apple wallet with starling yet? I know they were working on it but seems like it’s been ages now

Nope they still don’t have it working.

My friend got those too! :joy: similar note too. Guessing you both did the same competition.

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I used to work there, that generally only happened when they really took the piss. Or often there were other things going on in the background too. I.e many disputes, many failed ATM claims or many “stolen/lost” cards in parenthesis, before they plan an exit.

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What’s this? If it’s easy card provisioning, it’s been a thing for years for Starling and Monzo.


So this thread is pretty much the quietest it’s ever been since I joined here, seems Starling really have slowed down on making any improvements/changes.


More ground to a stop I’d say.


They’ve not updated anything in a while

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Some new adverts showcasing Spaces, Kite and Joint Accounts from Starling. I don’t think they’re all that great (30 seconds feels too much to me), and it just highlights what a glacial pace they’re moving at.

Sure they’re a safe solid bet but it’s getting boring for me too now.


Genuine question, what else do you want them to do?


Yep, same question from me.


The credit card they were openly working on 4 years ago would have been nice.


I want the security of my account to be based on robo-turtle drones with space lasers that track down when someone has stolen my card…

Seriously - I think the only thing missing for the deck right now is Credit Cards.
Although having a separate instant access savings account would be on some peoples list as well, with the increase in interest in the current account, which includes saving spaces that’s probably ‘good enough’ for most people. It’s only the rate chasers who’d want more…

I think Monzo and Revolut are doing the ‘bleeding edge’ fintech development which is fine. Chase have their roadmap which they generally seem to be sticking to.

However, Starling, to me, is doing ‘enough’ to make them my main bank - nothing too fancy, easy to move money around, bill spaces and virtual cards to help manage my money better, round ups to sneakily save during the month for that last week before payday…


The rate wouldnt need to be market leading but the current fixed saver is a terrible product with too many limitations over the competition, it isnt even close to a market leading rate with terrible fixed limitations.
Really surprised they have not revisited it given how poor it was received and how poor it is still but I think starling more cares about business and selling the backend to other banks than personal customers now.

To be honest RBS/Natwest are now nearly more fully featured than Starling app wise which is a bit hilarious.

Its not that starling are bad, they just dont lead in much any more and with the lack of forward momentum they are starting to be eclipsed by legacy banks (VC aren’t on legacy yet…) which have credit cards, credit score, connected accounts, isa, savings accounts, mortgages etc.

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I think it says something that they haven’t even recruited a new CEO yet…


What does it say?

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