Starling Bank Chat (Part 2)

I opened a new account within the last 2 weeks. Personal account though not joint account

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If Starling allowed you to complete a joint application, it’s opening join accounts. It would disable the option if they weren’t available.


Also just because they opened you a personal account there is no guarantee they will give you a joint account.

Maybe ask them on live chat for an update.

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I got my ex signed up for a new account with 5 hours of approval pending, then joint account opened immediately within the app.

Wonder what’s changed.

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“Your application is being reviewed. We’ll come back to you shortly”

There you go, saved everyone some time and effort.


I just did in fact, said they’re receiving a lot of applications.


I’m currently waiting for an overdraft decision (been a customer for about 5 years but only went full Starling this month).

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I was the same, had to write to them on chat and they asked for some payslips in the end.

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Yes I’ve done that too. Just waiting to hear back

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I chased mine and it got approved pretty much instantly. Quite chuffed as I am keen to keep using Starling as my main account.


Strangely they declined the joint account for us. How annoying.

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OK I’ve solved the problem of the Wallet integration only showing my secondary account balance in the Wallet app: Seems it will display the account first in alphabetical order, so my ‘day to day’ account was being picked up before my ‘main’ account.

Changed the secondary account to ‘spare’ and the euro account to ‘travel’ and I’m good to go.


Probably realised it’s a lot of custom they may be missing out on.


They’ve been saying that for absolute months, I’d love to know what this mystery “Behind the scenes work” actually is :joy::joy:


Takeover by Chase :rofl: (totally unfounded rumour to stir things up)


At least you know there will be the option to rejoin, unlike Chase who said 12 months and then said you can’t rejoin.

I am curious to know what they’re doing, they’ve been pretty quiet of late.

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'To get to the point of the article immediately, yes, Starling Bank does indeed offer a credit card; you generally just need to have a Starling bank account in order to obtain one.

Fortunately, this is a pretty seamless process if you’re an existing account holder since all you need to do is apply for a credit card through the Starling Bank app.’

This is wrong right??


I imagine this thread will explode when the day comes that they do issue one but it ain’t here yet,


Given the breadth of articles on there it wouldn’t surprise me if most of it was generated by ChatGPT


It feels like it’s ChatGPT.