Show that pot is locked from Account screen

With that view, the psychological impact of the padlock will occur no matter where it is. If it is in the list, it’s still a ‘do not cross’ sign, I just get it right up front which is surely then a better ‘block’ as I can keep scrolling.

If I click in, and see the padlock, that ‘unlock anyway’ option is just down there on the screen… much ‘closer’ and ‘easier’?

If it’s for ‘friction’ then even more reason to put it in the list view beside the pot, so it’s easier for me to move past the locked pots and not even click into them.


I suppose the differential there is that you have the weird plant thingy on the pot as an indicator that it is a savings pot.

I haven’t set one up so not sure what they look like when you click into them, though!

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I’m guessing roots and worms? Branches?? :wink:

I agree it can work if you put them in both places - but the fact that they have implemented it for the click in screen but not the pots overview screen seems telling.

If I have more than 1 warning at the point of no return I’d be more likely to back out rather than go forward. For me at least when I click into a pot the padlock is one of the things that catches my eye, the withdraw is quite greyed out so doesn’t catch my attention as much and so I’m more inclined to back out.

It may also be the fact that due to the re-working of the UI, and the introduction of custom images, even if a padlock was placed in the “overview” it may not be as visible as they used to be with the big scrolling left to right menu.

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I think it’s more this, or an oversight, than a deliberate design choice tbh, I do not think they implemented it for the pot screen and not the list view deliberately, just feels wrong.

And greyed out is good, but what’s even better and less tempting is not even having to click through to see it exists! This is getting a bit Schrödinger’s Pot though :wink:

I do agree with your points and I’d honestly prefer both to feature - I just get the impression if they implemented for the pot when you click through, they would have made the conscious decision to not implement for the layout.

To quote you: #Devil’sAdvocate

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Touche! :smiley:

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