Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Chat

Chase are tracking the base rate but on top of that they announced that they’ll be tracking a further 0.1% below the base rate – so while you could argue that the two are technically not connected, the fact is that the timing of the announcement makes it seem that it’s connected, and it is just screwing customers more.

And Ulster have to give a few months’ notice under their own T&Cs but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re dropping almost half a percent on a 0.25% cut. Almost double.

Banks have always been quick to cut interest when the BoE rate drops (and by more than the rate drop) but then small to increase interest rates when things go in the other direction.

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Attempting to in our case as it ain’t staying for a guaranteed lower rate.

Would it be daft to move the DDs to Kroo at this point?

It would be a daft move to use Kr-poo for anything if you ask me!

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I know, but 4.1% vs what will be 3.75% when they go to base minus 1.25. Is that 0.35% extra worth it? (Kroo are base minus 0.9%).

Never had a problem with Kroo myself but I know others have and, thus far, I’ve not used it much.

Is this a new feature? You can create plans on the insights page to get you better at managing your money

I spotted this last night, I think it’s new.

Only come across it when asking for a standard purple card for my child and co account.

Chat said they can issue the standard card but I’m not hopeful, and will receive the child co standard.

Where do you find this?

Why a standard card?

Insights > Add plan.

As for the card, I don’t particularly like the Child card.

I will eventually move it to wherever the next switch bonus is, hoping Nationwide bring their existing customer bonus back.


Now I’ve switched out my child’s and drummonds accounts left with only a standard RBS select I’ve been able to successfully open a travel account


Are you actually going to use it, or just satisfied the tile gap is now filled?

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My logic was correct. I wonder what the problem is.


So is it the sort code or the card network that’s the issue with offering the travel account?

All cards seem to be Mastercard.

Unless you mean the travel account; that’s run by Mastercard only.

It’s unlikely that I’ll use it, as I already have Starling, but it does help to highlight the question of why you don’t get offered it when you have a Child’s or Drummonds account.

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I’ve closed my Drummonds account and debating whether to CASS the C&Co one at some point as wonder what else we might be missing by having a silly sort code

Has the silly sort code novelty finally worn off now?


One of those want not need situations :joy:


I get updated as well, and they waived the annual fee for me😳

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Couldn’t you just get a Natwest account if you wanted those features?


Yeah Annual fee waived for Reward Black Account customers.

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