Roundups with no change

I sometimes avoid buying things simply because the pence is 0, for example £10.00, so there is no change to round up.

Some purchases are only priced like this. It would help so much if a price is on the pound, like £10.00, was rounded up 100p (to the next £).

Here’s a screenshot from a payment I just made, not one penny saved on this payment.

I’ve replied to something similar tonight. Monzo provides some wonderful functions and some wonderful ideas. But ultimately you’re free to use your own money to do your own thing.

Feedback is free. But it’s so fucking easy to just complain about everything. Stop complaining about the features we have.

1p challenge is the most divisive feature ive ever seen. The crazy thing is that it’s a wonderful free feature. It doesn’t need improved. Use it or don’t!!!


Revolut does it if you spend a pound it adds a pound to roundups

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What has this got to do with the 1p challenge?


You can do this with IFTTT.

Literally my entire post explains what it has to do with the 1p challenge. I replied to something similar. OP complains about a feature that doesn’t quite suit them. The 1p challenge - similarly - gets complained about because it doesn’t quite suit many people.



Yeah this is mad :rofl:
Why would you not buy something just because of this? Just transfer a pound if you really need


The forum is full of people complaining about features that they don’t like or think could be improved - that’s one of the main reasons people post here. I don’t see the point in criticising what is a legitimate request by comparing it to another feature.

Thankfully the world (and this forum) is a beautiful kaleidoscope of colours and ideas… You don’t see the point but it’s yet another complaint about a perfectly useful feature that someone wants customised to their specific use case.

I’m glad you feel strongly enough to defend it but I think it’s just another example of someone complaining about nothing.

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I think it’s perfectly acceptable to post about and request a niche feature. Just don’t be sad when it doesn’t happen, because it absolutely will not happen.


No point requesting anything then, no point giving any feedback either. Fortunately, I’m not as downbeat as you. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won’t.

Not here.

Deaf ears and monzo don’t care.

It’s not about being downbeat. Sometimes people post good suggestions that Monzo will do. This isn’t one of them.

Let’s not be passive aggressive here. Please.



Don’t hold back.


Oh I know. But everyone tiptoes around dickheads in case they get banned. But a dickhead is a dickhead. And needs to be told


:popcorn: :wink:

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