RIP Astro 😔

It’s the snoozing feature for me. I like to keep a tidy inbox and having the ability to snooze emails is key to that. If Apple Mail had this, I wouldn’t see any reason to use the other 3rd party apps.

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I’m the same, I don’t get many emails so never feel the additions would be worth while. Still interested in checking out Edison now though.

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Out of curiosity, what are you looking for in a mail app?

IMAP? POP3? Exchange? Gmail?

Gmail support, some kind of smart categorisation, a modern UI, iOS/Mac/Windows/Android support (the more the better since I use all of them)

And why not the Gmail UI?

I’ve used Mailplane since '09: A standalone mail client that uses the Gmail UI.

I use outlook. I was using the yahoo app, which is good for signing in on computers etc using it’s security key thing, but I can’t read some emails properly on it. For example, the weekly money saving expert email is unreadable unless I click on the online version button. With outlook it makes emails mobile friendly. It just needs a dark theme (which thankfully Google have done with Messages and YouTube).