The metal cashback used to be better. I usually got a good £30 from holidays outside europe using that.
But it seemed a bit less useful when you could get x% on all spend elsewhere eg chase.
The metal cashback used to be better. I usually got a good £30 from holidays outside europe using that.
But it seemed a bit less useful when you could get x% on all spend elsewhere eg chase.
There’s an article on MSE about the closure of Zing. They’re directing people to other places that have similar features.
They call Revolut a ‘Prepaid Card’. And I immediately shouted ‘no it’s not’. It’s not, is it? Because you can transfer money and pay direct debits and have wages paid in. It’s a bank (financial institution - yawn!)
I’m sure it’s an editorial oversight but MSE tends to be ‘the Bible’ when it comes to money. I didn’t complain. I’ve used up today’s complaint because the local newspaper now requires a free registration if you want to read about the neighbours fence blowing down.
I’ve had a long day, and Ziggy still wants to play with the ball - I’m sure I’m missing a trick.
It’s no more a prepaid card than any other debit card.
Prepaid cards usually operate with a “cash” account and a card you “load”.
They don’t support offline payments.
Revolut moved away from this sometime ago but some merchants haven’t followed suit.
Edit : just had a Google lol
Direct debits don’t seem to notify once debit from a Pocket.
Do they if they come from the main account?
I got a pre debit notification around 5pm last night informing me the payment was due.
I no longer get a notification once they go out. Just the warning at 5pm
That’s from the main part of a joint account
On the Ireland EUR account, we get a notification about 3 days in advance warning of the date and final amount presented for debit, then on the day the debit normally happens about 1am and a confirmation notification about lunchtime.
Same notifications if linked to a pocket.
Purchased my Norway train tickets yesterday.
Cost 516.78 NOK
Revolut - £37.15 = 13.91 NOK
HSBC Global - £37.23 = 13.88 NOK
But todays prices are wildly different:
57p more expensive with HSBC.
Ooh what you gonna spend your 57p saving on?
Edit: 8p saving
Can’t even get a plastic bag from Tesco with that
If only it was a couple of decades ago you’d be able to get an 8p mix-up.
A couple of decades? More like four.
I’m so old.
I used to live in a small village that had a sweet shop and used to get loads for 50p
Haha nah still got them in the 90’s when I was a wee lad.