Resolved: Inbound and outbound bank transfers may fail

In case you have not seen it:

We are currently investigating an issue that has caused some bank transfers to fail or be delayed. We know that you put your trust in us to deliver a reliable service, and we are currently working hard to put things right. We will provide a further update as soon as the issue has been resolved.

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Just saw that when I opened the app

Hey folks,

Nothing to be worried about here. We are currently under maintenance, things should be back to normal shortly :tada:

Keep an eye on the status page @anon72173902 has linked above if you’re looking to make a transfer. Apologies for any inconvenience!

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Was this planned? Pretty concerning just 2 weeks after the last outage … Outage – 16th March 2018 (Resolved)


How long do you estimate this to be resolved? I have my wages being paid into my account in the morning… :weary:

Nothing to be concerned about, PayPort are just doing maintenance

Bank transfers are currently functioning as normal, but we anticipate that there may be further disruption to the service tonight.

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Was it planned maintenance? Was there any warning?

Who are PayPort? Why it seems bit strange that you say nothing to worry about here :smile:

And why an unplanned maintenance :rescue_worker_helmet:

This shouldn’t affect your salary whatsoever. That’ll be going through BACs and this maintenance is only affecting bank transfer :+1:

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Hi Michael, first of all, I’m really sorry that there has been another incident that affects payments. This is not something we take lightly and falls short of the standard we’ve set for ourselves

In this particular case, a supplier that helps us process faster payments conducted planned maintenance. They told us about this before, but weren’t expecting an interruption of service. Had they expected an interruption of service, we would have let our customers know the moment we did (as we have done in the past on the prepaid program)


I thought this was all in house? What’s the difference between payport processing faster payments and GPS card payments? ( yes I know GPS isn’t used but it’s used as a comparison with other providers)

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Just to clarify, I didn’t mean to down play the issue or pass blame here. This isn’t something to be taken lightly and we always strive to deliver top notch service. Apologies if my comment seemed flippant, I didn’t want to cause panic.

Feel free to DM me directly!


For some bank clearing systems you still need a gateway that connects you to a central infrastructure. Think of it as the equivalent of an Internet service provider, but for a payment scheme. Some of these things cannot easily be built in-house for non-technical reasons


Thanks for the info.

Out of curiosity are there other providers that you need to use for a similar reason?

Yes, although this is the only one for a real-time payment scheme, where any interruption of service is immediately noticeable.

As we expand in other countries we might pick up more suppliers like this, though.


Message gone from app = fixed?

We have resolved it now, yes :slight_smile: