Recent payees list for current accounts


If you read Ben’s post again, you’ll see that he’s acknowledged that already.

I trust you have read it twice so I will go with your assurance. Cheers :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

I meant custom avatars for the payees (not sure that sounded right though? lol)

I’d like this too. One Australian friend of mine thinks it’s funny to have his butt-cheeks as his Monzo avatar. So everytime I go to Payments I get greeted by him mooning at me.

I’d dearly like to be able to hide it, or set it to something else.


Bang on the money.

Will you still have shortcuts to “My Accounts”? I think that feature would be missed. Also, having the ability to favourite payee’s so they appear at the top would be good.

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This is a really handy feature, it removes a level of anxiety about sending money to the wrong account.

This would be very useful.

Clearly custom pay periods are not done, as its not customisable in any way other than to payments received. Why cant we simply revert it back to the first of the month instead of to the date of income!?